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时间:2023-05-30 09:08:47 作文 我要投稿




学英语作文 篇1

  My family

  There are four people in my family, my father, my mother, my sister and me. My father likes reading. My mother likes cooking. They both work in Leliu. They always go to work by car. They work hard.

  My sister and I are pupils. I study in the primary school affiliated with Shunde No.1 Middle School. My hobby is collecting coins. My sister studies in Xishan Primary School. She likes watching TV. We love our family very much.




学英语作文 篇2


  In recent years, XX has caused a heated debate on . The factors for .First of all, .Then, there comes a case that . Moreover, . Especially when .Indeed, these unique points can be collected the remind people that .In this way, we should behave just like .


  The impact of Television

  In recent years, with the development of science and technology, 80 percent of all homes in China have satellite TV, offering as many as 50 channels. It has caused a heated debate on . Many parents are worried about the impact of so much television on children. The factors for .First of all, .Then, there comes a case that . Moreover, . Especially when .Indeed, these unique points can be connected to remind parents that .In this way, children will not be influenced too deeply.

学英语作文 篇3


  During the Spring Festival, my parents and I went back to our hometown. There are many customs of Spring Festival in our hometown, but the most eye opening one is dragon dancing.


  On the evening of the first day of the new year, my family and I came to the downtown square, which was already full of people, with all kinds of lights, fireworks and dancing. Soon, a lamp car full of folk customs stopped in the center of the square. The car kept playing music. The inflatable villains on the top were flying in the cold wind. Suddenly, a sound of beating drums and gongs came from the car. Then some martial artists of Shaolin Temple appeared. They performed many Shaolin martial arts, some dancing sticks, some playing broadsword, There are also endless somersaults, let us praise. All of a sudden, the main character appears. Two lions and a dragon run out. This is the so-called lion dance and dragon dance. Three lions run all over the field, chasing each other and rolling. With the support of more than a dozen people, this long and big dragon keeps rolling. It looks like it's really flying in the sky. It runs, stops and flies It's really fun to skate for a while, especially when the faucet is made vividly, it looks like it's really the same.


  After the performance, we went home, but my mood was still not calm. Dragon dancing was so beautiful.

学英语作文 篇4

  Football is the world’s NO.1sport, though our football players’ level is lagging much behind other countries, football in China is still very popular. The world famous football player like David Beckham is known to all, and the young players Messi and C. Ronaldo are favored by all. Messi takes the lead over C. Ronaldo in Ballon d’Or award, for Messi wins the fifth award.

  Messi wins his fifth Ballon d’Or award recently, which helps him makes the new record. When talking about him, I admire him so much, because of his experience. Messi is not a tall boy, when he was small, he got sick which made him grow up slowly. In order to fight against this disease, he started to play football, it not only made him become taller, but also helped him earn some money to the treatment.

  Now, Messi is the world famous star, his story inspires so many teenagers. Messi and his girlfriend had a boy. Being a father makes Messi much more mature, the boy’s coming completes his life.

学英语作文 篇5


  蒙古族牧民(Mongolian herdsmen)的生活方式很有特色。牧民们喜欢吃牛羊肉和奶制品,喜欢喝红茶和砖茶。他们大多住在圆形的蒙古包(Mongolian yurt)里。蒙古包顶上开有天窗(skylight),用来通风和采光。蒙古族是一个能骑善射、能歌善舞的民族。每年七八月举行的“那达慕”大会(the NadamFair),是蒙古族同胞—年一度的盛大节日。大会上有赛马、摔跤、射箭比赛和精彩的歌舞表演。每逢盛会,人们都从四面八方赶来参加比赛、观看表演,宁静的大草原顿时变成了欢乐的.海洋。


  The lifestyle of Mongolian herdsmen is distinctive.Herdsmen like eating beef, mutton and dairyproducts and drinking black tea and brick tea. Mostof them live in Mongolian yurt with a skylight forventilating and lighting. Mongolian people areexperts at horseback riding and shooting and skilled in singing and dancing. The Nadam Fairheld in July or August every year is an annual grand festival for Mongolian people. There arehorse racing,wrestling,archery contest and wonderful dancing and singing performances duringthe festival.During each Nadam Fair, people from different places come to compete and watchperformances, instantly turning the quiet grasslands into a sea of pleasure.

  1.蒙古族牧民的生活方式很有特色:作为段落的第一句,翻译时一定要恰当处理。这里译者很灵活地把“很有特色”处理为be distinctive,表示跟其他民族不同,特色鲜明;另外,"牧民”还可以译为shepherds。

  2.红茶和砖茶:不能想当然地把红茶译为red tea,而是blacktea;我们对“砖茶” 可能也不太熟悉,砖茶是一种外形为长方体的紧压茶,文中译为brick tea,也可音译为Zhuan Tea。

  3.顶上开有天窗:采用介词短语with a skylight,简洁明了。

  4.能骑善射、能歌善舞:中文为并列关系,英文也应译为并列的短句be expert at horseback riding andshooting and skilled in singing and dancing。

  5.赛马、摔跤、射箭比赛:可译为horse racing, wrestling, archery contest。

  6.欢乐的海洋:可译为a sea of joy/pleasure。











