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时间:2024-08-11 09:19:51 蔼媚 句子 我要投稿
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  1、田园生活,世外桃源。Pastoral life, paradise.

  2、江南好,风景旧曾谙。The south of the Yangtze River is good and the scenery is old.

  3、余生,愿住在一片荷塘里,景美人美,你一定醉了。For the rest of my life, I would like to live in a lotus pond with beautiful scenery and beautiful people. You must be drunk.

  4、不同的风景,有不同的美妙。Different scenery, have different wonderful.

  5、人间美景,尽收眼底。You can see the beauty of the world.

  6、停下来的世界只是风景,一直向前的风景才叫世界。The world that stops is only the scenery, and the scenery that goes forward is called the world.

  7、夏日浪漫限定,爱在日落黄昏时。Summer romantic limit, love at sunset.

  8、夏日里的杭州西湖,不是只有热度,更有清凉的风景。In summer, the West Lake is not only cool but also cool.

  9、问君几时归,真情若江水,青山隐隐问玉湖,爱的是哪一位。Ask when you will return, if the true feelings of the river, Castle Peak ask jade lake, who is the love.

  10、故土情结,泥土芬芳。Hometown complex, soil fragrance.

  11、人生如旅,走走停停,本该有不同的遇见,看不一样的风景。Life is like a journey, stop and go, should have different encounters, see different scenery.

  12、徜徉在蓝天白云下,自我成景,自我美好。Wandering in the blue sky and white clouds, self landscape, self beautiful.

  13、要么在路上,去看最美的风景和你。Or on the road, to see the most beautiful scenery and you.

  14、若能有一院子,种上一片竹。从此,四季的美景便都有了寄托。If you can have a yard, plant a bamboo. Since then, the beauty of the four seasons will have sustenance.

  15、风景很美、机会很多、人生很短!Beautiful scenery, lots of opportunities and short life!

  16、午后,阳光暖暖登山去,感受爬山的乐趣,心情舒畅多了!In the afternoon, the sunshine is warm and the mountain climbing is enjoyable!

  17、春风留不住,莫负夏日光,有种心情叫想去看海。Spring wind can not stay, Mo negative summer sunlight, there is a mood called want to see the sea.

  18、白云蓝天,一伞嫣然,惊艳美丽是蓝颜。White clouds and blue sky, an umbrella Yan Ran, amazing beauty is blue.

  19、长风万里送秋雁,对此可以酣高楼。Long wind thousands of miles to send the autumn geese, this can sound tall buildings.

  20、小树轻轻地摇摆着,就像一位妩媚的姑娘在翩翩起舞!A little girl is dancing in the tree!

  21、安居乐业太平日,丰衣足食小康庄。Live and work in peace and contentment, and have plenty of food and clothing in xiaokangzhuang.

  22、曲中揉进轻轻浅浅词章,独有相思浓。In the song, the words and phrases are slightly shallow, and the unique acacia is strong.

  23、天下西湖三十六,就中最美是杭州。Hangzhou is the most beautiful of the 36 West Lakes in the world.

  24、宁静的夜晚,美丽的星空。Quiet night, beautiful starry sky.

  25、河水悄悄流入梦乡,幽暗的松林失去喧响。The river flows quietly into sleep, and the dark pines lose their noise.

  26、万家灯火,是今宵最美风景。Thousands of lights, is the most beautiful scenery tonight.

  27、桂林山水名不虚传,夜晚更漂亮。Guilins landscape deserves its reputation, and the night is more beautiful.

  28、藕花深处,杨柳岸边,烟雨楼台依旧是沧海茫茫。Lotus root deep, willow shore, misty rain tower is still vast sea.

  29、有趣的人生,一半是山川湖海。Half of the interesting life is mountains and rivers.

  30、我喜欢大海,喜欢一个人站在海边。I like the sea. I like standing by the sea alone.

  31、一路步行,一路风景,既可增长阅历,亦能愉悦心情!Walking all the way and scenery all the way can not only increase experience, but also make you feel happy!

  32、雨中的山色,其美妙完全在若有若无之中。The beauty of the mountain in the rain is completely in the absence.

  33、遥夜人何在,澄潭夜里行。Where are the people in the distant night.

  34、蒙蒙的西湖,不正是那淡妆浓抹的西子吗?The misty West Lake is not the West Lake with light makeup?

  35、晨起去爬山,万家出炊烟。When I get up in the morning, I go to climb the mountain.

  36、登山,就是一场修行。Mountaineering is a practice.

  37、桥旁杨柳飘新绿,亭畔榆梅送暗香。The willows beside the bridge are fresh green, and the elm trees beside the pavilion give a faint fragrance.

  38、你会不会突然出现在我生命中,成为珍藏一世的风景。Will you suddenly appear in my life, become a treasure of the landscape.

  39、闲时,一杯茶,赏赏花,看看景,令人心旷神怡。Leisure, a cup of tea, enjoy flowers, see the scenery, people relaxed.

  40、你是流年风景画出的伤,你是繁华岁月画出的痛。You are the injury of flowing time scenery painting, you are the pain of prosperous years painting.

  41、大风车吱呀吱溜溜的转,这里的风景呀真好看!The big windmill creaks and squeaks. The scenery here is so beautiful!

  42、洛阳城阙何时见,西北浮云朝暝深。When will we see the city gate in Luoyang? Its dark and cloudy in the northwest.

  43、等待着每一辆经过的车,让我走到更远的地方。Waiting for each passing car, let me go further.

  44、你赤手空拳来到人世间,为找到那片海不顾一切。You came to the world with your bare hands, desperate to find the sea.

  45、看得见的乡愁,赶不走的离愁。The homesickness that can be seen, the sorrow of parting that cannot be driven away.

  46、绕道走走看,看看你可能从没看过的风景。Take a detour and look at the scenery you may never have seen before.

  47、世外桃源,蓝天白云,繁花似锦,伴着你过春天!Paradise, blue sky and white clouds, flowers like brocade, accompany you to spend the spring!

  48、走过万里路,看过百种景,方知人间百味真。After thousands of miles and seeing hundreds of sceneries, we can know that the world is full of flavors.

  49、远离城市的一切喧嚣,来到心旷神怡的海边,与蓝天白云相伴。Away from all the hustle and bustle of the city, come to the pleasant seaside, accompanied by blue sky and white clouds.

  50、月光下,奔腾了一天的小河平息了,静静地流着。In the moonlight, the river that has been running for a day calms down and flows quietly.

  51、家门口的风景,才是景。The scenery at home is the scenery.

  52、无肉令人瘦,无竹令人俗。No meat makes you thin, no bamboo makes you vulgar.

  53、离去的,都是风景,留下的,才是人生。Leave, are scenery, left, is life.

  54、风起的日子,笑看落花;雪舞的时节,举杯邀月。When the wind blows, smile at the falling flowers; in the snow dance season, raise a glass to invite the moon.

  55、白烟飘木院,紫罐煮砖茶。White smoke floating wooden courtyard, purple pot boiling brick tea.

  56、山河远阔,人间烟火。The mountains and rivers are far and wide, and the world is full of fireworks.

  57、湖气冷如冰,月光淡于雪。肯弃与三潭,杭人不看月。The air of the lake is as cold as ice, and the moonlight is lighter than the snow. Hang people dont look at the moon.

  58、风景好内心孤独,多少的成就来源于孤独。The scenery is good, the heart is lonely, how much achievement comes from loneliness.

  59、九寨沟,更因水而美,因水而活,因水而神秀。Jiuzhaigou, more beautiful because of water, because of water and live, because of water and Shenxiu.

  60、爬山,攀险,望天边;游湖,听水,忆红颜。Climbing mountains, climbing dangers, looking at the horizon; swimming in the lake, listening to the water, remembering the beauty.

  61、Fhe boys and the girls are all like flowers in spring.这些孩子们,不正像春天的花朵吗?

  62、Very soon the spring time came,and the sun warmed the earth.当春天一到来,太阳把大地照得很温暖的时候,燕子就向拇指姑娘告别了。

  63、A profusion of leaves bursts out on trees in the springtime.春天许许多多的叶子从树上冒出来。

  64、In the following spring, the seeds should be knocked out of the seed-heads and sown.第xx年春天,种子应该从谷穗上敲打下来,然后播种。形容词。

  65、If you are thinking of me this spring, then why are only my own shadow?假如你也在这春天里想念我,那为何此刻只有我一个人的影子?

  66、In the spring, we plunge shovels into the garden plot, turn under the dark compost.春天,我们用铁锨翻开园子里黑油油的沃土。

  67、Trees put forth young leaves in spring; they drop their dry leaves in autumn. But evergreens have green leaves or needles throughout the year.树木在春天抽出新叶,在冬天飘落黄叶。但万年青一整年都长着绿油油的叶子。

  68、The spirit and seed of everythings waking up and growing up strongly in spring take root in my heart, The wish and dream just like spring will not brake forever.万物复苏、倔强生长的春天的精神和种子扎根在心里,像春天般的希望与梦想永不破灭。

  69、It is somewhat like the mosquito of summer cant see the scene of spring and the stagnant environment in winter. We dont probe the problems before life and after death.这有些像夏天的蚊子,牠无法了解春天的景象,也无法了解冬天百物萧条的样子。

  70、Every spring my wife and I would come here just to see the flowers.每年春天我和我的妻子都会特意到这儿来赏花。

  71、We should spare no effort to beautify our environment.我们应该不遗余力地美化我们的环境。

  72、Bright red costumes with hats, shoes and stockings to match, are to be all the craze in the Spring.鲜红的套裙配上得体的帽子和鞋袜,是春天女士们最时髦的着装。

  73、They are spring flowers that decorate many gardens around the world.风信子是春天里的花朵,装饰着世界上许许多多的花园。

  74、The returning of the swallows are the heralds of the spring.燕子归来预示着春天的来临。

  75、The winter is coming and the spring is not far.冬天已经临近了,春天还会远吗?

  76、Today is the first day of spring . It`s a time when people feel energetic.今天是立春的日子,也是让人感到充满了新的憧憬。

  77、Maples make those little whirlybird seeds you see spiraling down in droves each spring.每到春天你都能看见大量的枫树种子像一架架小小的直升机盘旋而下。

  78、That is an oil painting of a landscape in spring.那是一幅描绘春天景色的油画。

  79、Strong technical skills enhance a beautiful scene that compares traditional and contemporized architectural styles.很强的技巧加强了景色的美感,在传统和现代化了的建筑风格之间的对比。

  80、spring is a lot of rain,summer is hot,autumn is the best season in a year,it is cool and busy ,winter is cold and sonetimes snowy.春天是多雨的,夏天是炎热的,秋天是一年中最好的季节,它很凉爽而且忙碌,冬天是寒冷的,有时会下雪。










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