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时间:2024-03-03 06:56:15 句子 我要投稿
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  1、Yeah,I go a lot too。 I saw a bear and a mountain lion on my last hike。是的,我也经常去旅游。我上次旅游还看见一只熊和一只美洲狮。

  2 、Games lost,life there is always a big deal all over again success。运动会输了,人生总有成败大不了从头再来

  3、Sure。 But,it will be a long hike,30 miles in three days。 Have you been

  hiking before?当然。但是,这是一次长间隔的旅游,三天走30英里。你以前徒步旅游过吗?

  4 、Exercise is conducive to good health。运动有助于健康

  5 、I eat a lot of fat because of less movement,absorption,not bad I我胖是因为吃得多,运动少,吸收好,不赖我

  6 、For me,sports is just a way for others to push us the ultimate opportunity。对我来说,运动只是一种让其他人把我们推向极致的机会。

  7 、we should take exercise to build up resistance to disease。我们应该坚持锻炼以增强对疾病的抵抗力。

  8 、Authorized to do squaring the circle bright monkeys,rabbits do not do sports arena。认可做水中捞月亮的猴子,也不做运动场上的兔子。

  9、Horse-racing is her passion。赛马是她最喜爱的运动。

  10 、The enthusiasts or fans of a sport or pursuit considered as a group。作为一个整体的爱好体育和运动者。

  11、Water Skiing is a surface water sport。滑水是一项水面运动。

  12、I'm just a been given a motion,emotion and thought "cosmic force machine。"我只不过是一个被赋予了运动、情感和思想的宇宙力机器。

  13、Exercise gave her a good appetite。运动使她胃口大增。

  14、Coursing is a sport in which rabbits or hares are hunted with dogs。追踪狩猎是一项以猎犬狩猎兔子的运动。

  15、In eating,sleeping and exercise time can be relieved without taking into account full happy,this is one of Miaoli longevity。在进餐、睡眠和运动等时间里能宽心无虑,满怀高兴,这是长寿的妙理之一。

  16、If you want strong,running it!If you want to fit,running it!如果你想强壮,跑步吧!如果你想健美,跑步吧!

  17、Time in their movement will encounter setbacks,obstacles,so a certain period of time which will remain in the room。时间在自己的运动中也会碰到挫折,遇到障碍,所以某一段时间也会滞留在哪一个房间里。

  18、Badminton can make a child more powerful arm。羽毛球运动能使孩子的手臂更有力量。

  19、Sleep is also a sport,dreaming unfettered free travel。睡眠也是一种运动,做着梦不受约束的免费旅行。

  20、Moderate exercise is indicated。适当的运动也是需要的。

  21、The racket used in various games,such as table tennis or racquets。球拍用于各种运动的球拍,如乒乓球和网球的球拍

  22、Now a mass movement to plant trees is in full swing all over the country。现在群众性植树运动正在全国大力开展。

  23、he keeps exercising all year around,even in the hottest days in summer and the coldest days in winter。他常年坚持锻炼,冬练三九,夏练三伏。

  24、we should keep on developing our ability to think logically and exercise speculative thinking。我们要不断地培养自己的思辨能力、锻炼思辨性思维。

  25、We have to learn to weightlifter,get affordable,fit,otherwise,it will flash to the waist。我们都要向举重运动员学习,拿得起,放得下,不然的话,会闪到腰的。

  26、It is a very difficult climb because there are not many places to put your hands and feet。很大,由于悬崖上没有很多地方可以放手和脚。

  27、For satellites circling the earth,the law of areas is also imperfect对于环绕地球运动的卫星来说,面积定律也是不完善的。

  28、If you want to decrease body fat,you must do aerobic exercises。如果你想减少脂肪,你必须要做有氧运动。

  29、Love sports,love the game,love the players,is the love of life。热爱运动,热爱比赛,热爱运动员,就是热爱人生。

  30、Life lies in movement。生命在于运动。











