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  1、在这春暖花开的日子来一场说走就走的旅行!我带上你,你带上钱。In the spring of this day to say go on a walk! I bring you, you take the money.

  2、一个人的旅行,在路上遇见最真实的自己。A person's travel, in the way to meet the most true self.

  3、人生重要的不是目的地,重要的是沿途的风景。结果不重要,重要的是过程。Life is not the destination, the important thing is the scenery along the way. The result is not important, important is the process.

  4、流水很清楚,惜花这个责任。真的身份不过送运,这趟旅行若算开心,亦是无负一生。The water is very clear, took the responsibility. True identity but sent, this trip if you are happy, is also a life without a negative.  9、旅行的好处在于可以暂时远离日常生活,还不必承担平日里琐碎的责任。The advantage of travel is that it can be far away from the daily life, but also do not have to bear the responsibilities of daily trivial.

  5、一辈子是场修行,短的是旅行,长的是人生。Life is a field of practice, a short trip, long life.

  6、这里的风景美不胜收,真让人流连忘返。The scenery here is really beautiful, unforgettable.The reason for travel does not need to elaborate too much, one word can generalize all: go.

  7、背上行囊去远方,那个梦寐以求的目的地。On the back of the pack to the distance, the dream destination.

  8、如果心在远方,只需勇敢前行,梦想自会引路,有多远,走多远,把足迹连成生命线。If the heart in the distance, only need to bravely dream will lead the way, how far, how far the footprint as a lifeline.

  9、说走就走的旅行,要么缘由幸福稳定和宽裕,要么祸起无力无奈和逃避。Go to travel, or the source of happiness is stable and comfortable, or to have no escape and.

  10、一场奋不顾身的爱情,一段说走就走的旅行。梦在远方。A section of love regardless of personal danger, go to travel. Dream in the distance.

  11、每个人心中,都会有一个古镇情怀,流水江南,烟笼人家。Everyone in the heart, there will be a feeling of the ancient town, running water Jiangnan, smoke cage home.

  12、一生之中至少要有两次冲动,一次为奋不顾身的爱情,一次为说走就走的旅行。Life at least two impulses, a time for a love regardless of personal danger, go to travel.

  13、旅行是消除仇恨和无知的最好方法。Travel is the best way to eliminate hatred and ignorance.

  14、出外旅行的人,极其所能,也只有把自己的安危委诸天命,因为除此之外,别无他法。People who travel, extremely can, only for his own safety commission of the destiny, because in addition to.

  15、有的事情现在不做,就一辈子也不会做了。Some things do not do now, will not do for a lifetime.

  16、好心情才会有好风景,好眼光才会有好发现,好思考才会有好主意。Good mood will have good scenery, good vision will have a good find, good thinking will have a good idea.

  17、那个梦想中的自己,那个曾经丢失的自己,那个豁然开朗的自己。然后在世界的某个地方相聚,开怀。The dream of their own, who had lost their own, the click into place. And then somewhere in the world to meet and laugh.

  18、关于旅行,关于生活,如此而已。about travel, about life, That's all.

  19、旅行的意义不在其他,而在自己身体和心灵,必须有一个在旅行的路上。Travel is not the meaning of the other, and in their own body and mind, there must be a way to travel.

  20、拿着相机,拍下沿途上的风景,记录沿途的心情。那样的生活才是我想要的。Holding the camera, take the scenery along the way, record the mood along the way. That life is what I want.

  21、旅游不在乎终点,而是在意途中的人和事还有那些美好的记忆和景色。Travel does not care about the destination, but the people and things on the way there are those beautiful memories and scenery.

  22、安乐给人予舒适,却又给人予早逝;劳作给人予磨砺,却能给人予长久。Easy to give comfort, but also gives the young; to work to sharpen, but can give for a long time.

  23、嘿,陪我来一场说走就走的旅行吧!Hey, come on with me. Let's go on a journey!

  24、说走就走,是人生最华美的奢侈,也是最灿烂的自由。Said to go, is the most gorgeous luxury, but also the most brilliant freedom.

  25、当遗忘变成另一种开始,我踏出了旅途的第一步!When forgetting turns to another, I take the first step of the journey!

  26、要么读书、要么旅行,灵魂和身体,必须有一个在路上。Either reading or traveling, the soul and the body must be on the way.

  27、用一场说走就走的旅行寻找自由!Find the freedom to walk on a journey!

  28、离开你的那一天开始,左心房渐渐停止跳动。From the day you left, the left atrium gradually stopped beating.

  29、一场奋不顾身的爱情,一段说走就走的旅行。梦在远方。A section of love regardless of personal danger, go to travel. Dream in the distance.

  30、与其说散就散的友情,倒不如来一场说走就走的旅行。Rather than just scattered friendship, it would be a field trip.

  31、有人说,旋转木马是最残忍的游戏,彼此追逐却有永恒的距离。Some people say that the merry go round is the most brutal game, chasing each other but have eternal distance.

  32、一路涉足、一路留恋、一路回望。依旧前行!A road, a road in nostalgia, the way back. Still ahead!

  33、每一次的旅行,我都可以自己走,自己照顾自己。Every time I travel, I can go by myself and take care of myself.

  34、旅游仅仅是用双脚与眼晴,而旅行还要带上灵魂和梦想。Travel is only with the feet and eyes, and travel to bring the soul and dream.

  35、记住,你和我,有一场说走就走的旅行。Remember, you and me, there's a journey to go.

  36、有的事情现在不做,就一辈子也不会做了。Some things do not do now, will not do for a lifetime.

  37、背上行囊去远方,那个梦寐以求的目的地。On the back of the pack to the distance, the dream destination.

  38、躲在墙角、掩藏那孤独而又不奢怜悯的伤。Hiding in the corner, hiding lonely without much mercy wound.

  39、如果不出去走走,你或许以为这就是世界。If you don't go for a walk, you might think this is the world.

  40、一个人的旅行,在路上遇见最真实的自己。A person's travel, in the way to meet the most true self.

  41、世界是一本书,而不旅行的人们只读了其中的一页。The world is a book, and the people who do not travel read only one page.

  42、放手后的微笑,只是用来掩盖疼痛的伤疤。To let go of the smile, just to cover up the pain of the scars.

  43、一辈子是场修行,短的是旅行,长的是人生。Life is a field of practice, a short trip, long life.

  44、如果你不出去走走,你就会以为这就是世界。If you don't go for a walk, you will think this is the world.

  45、那场说走就走的旅行,也许,将被终身监禁。The trip, perhaps, will be in prison for life.

  46、旅行,总让人有一种恍如隔世,行走在天堂的感觉。Travel, always let people have a walk in heaven feeling as if a generation had passed.

  47、我总是在追赶,而你却不曾回头看我,不曾停下脚步等我。I always pursued, and you did not look back at me, never stop and wait for me.

  48、好旅伴可以缩短旅途时间。Good companions can shorten the journey time.

  49、一个人,一条狗,一场说走就走的旅行。A man, a dog, a journey to walk on.

  50、这里的风景美不胜收,真让人流连忘返。The scenery here is really beautiful, unforgettable.

  51、我们守着距离拉成的相思。温柔着彼此的言辞。We keep the distance pull into the acacia. Gentle with each other's words.

  52、一个人到国外去以前,应该更进一步了解祖国。A person to go abroad before, should be more understanding of the motherland.

  53、当遗忘变成另一种开始,淡了回忆,痛最真实。When forget to become another beginning, faded memories, the pain is the most real.

  54、梦想,并不奢侈,只要勇敢地迈出第一步。Dream is not luxury, just take the first step bravely.

  55、人出门旅行并不是为了到达某地,而是为了旅游。People go out and travel not to reach a place, but to travel.

  56、我和西藏之间,只隔着一张火车票!Between me and Tibet, just across a train ticket!

  57、人生,需要一场说走就走的旅行。Life, you need to go on a journey.

  58、一旦环境开始陌生,人在旅途的感觉就更强烈了。once the environment began to strange, people feel more strongly on the road.

  59、每次旅行,旅行之乐,千年一瞬,一眼万年。Every time travel, travel of the music, the Millennium moment, a million years.

  60、怪天怪地,我都不会怪你,你有选择幸福的权利。Strange strange, I will not blame you, you have the right to choose happiness.

  61、每个人都可以从长长的旅途中悟出自己生命的意义。Everyone can realize the meaning of his life from the long journey.

  62、时代依旧负重前行,而你我已凌波微步。Time still before loading the line, and you and I have Ling Bo.

  63、只要踏出勇敢的第一步,我们就可以重新过上迷人的新生活。As long as we take the first step, we will be able to live a new life.










