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时间:2024-06-10 10:28:29 经典美文 我要投稿





  What I have Lived for 我为何而生

  Three passions, simple but overwhelmingly strong, have governed my life: the longing for love, the search for knowledge, and unbearable pity for the suffering of mankind. These passions, like great winds, have blown me hither and thither, in a wayward course, over a deep ocean of anguish, reaching to the very verge of despair.

  I have sought love, first, because it brings ecstasy---ecstasy so great that I would often have sacrificed all the rest of my life for a few hours for this joy. I have sought it, next, because it relieves loneliness---that terrible loneliness in which one shivering consciousness looks over the rim of the world into the cold unfathomable lifeless abyss. I have sought it, finally, because in the union of love I have seen, in a mystic miniature, the prefiguring vision of the heaven that saints and poets have imagined. This is what I sought, and though it might seem too good for human life, this is what---at last---I have found.

  With equal passion I have sought knowledge. I have wished to understand the hearts of men. I have wished to know why the stars shine. And I have tried to apprehend the Pythagorean power by which number holds sway above the flux. A little of this, but not much, I have achieved.

  Love and knowledge, so far as they were possible, led upward toward the heavens. But always it brought me back to earth. Echoes of cries of pain reverberate in my heart. Children in famine, victims tortured by oppressors, helpless old people a hated burden to their sons, and the whole world of loneliness, poverty, and pain make a mockery of what human life should be. I long to alleviate the evil, but I cannot, and I too suffer.

  This has been my life. I have found it worth living, and would gladly live it again if the chance were offered me.









  However mean your life is, meet it and live it; do not shun it and call it hard names. It is not as bad as you are.


  It looks poorest when you are richest. The fault-finder will find faults in paradise. Love your life, poor as it is.


  You may perhaps have some pleasant, thrilling, glorious hours, even in a poor-house. The setting sun is reflected from the windows of the alms-house as brightly as from the rich man's abode; the snow melts before its door as early in the spring. I do not see but a quiet mind may live as contentedly there, and have as cheering thoughts, as in a palace.


  The town's poor seem to me often to live the most independent lives of any. Maybe they are simply great enough to receive without misgiving. Most think that they are above being supported by the town; but it often happens that they are not above supporting themselves by dishonest means, which should be more disreputable.


  Cultivate poverty like a garden herb, like sage. Do not trouble yourself much to get new things, whether clothes or friends. Turn the old, return to them.


  Things do not change; we change. Sell your clothes and keep your thoughts.



  One of the most successful, influential and beloved women in American history, Eleanor Roosevelt once said that she had one regret: she wished she had been prettier. Who hasn’t felt the same way? We are all too aware of our physical imperfections. To overcome them, we spend billions upon billions of dollars every year on cosmetics, diet products, fashion, and plastic surgery.

  Why do we care so much about how we look? Because it matters. Because beauty is powerful. Because even when we learn to value people mostly for being kind and wise and funny, we are still moved by beauty. No matter how much we argue against it or pretend to be immune, beauty exerts its power over us. There is simply no escape.

  Aristotle said, “Beauty is a greater recommendation than any letter of introduction.” It’s not fair, but it’s true. We simply treat beautiful people better than we do others. Attach a photograph of a beautiful author to an essay, and people will think that is more creative and more intelligently written than exactly the same essay accompanied by the photo of a homely author.

  Our sensitivity to physical beauty is not something we can control at will. We are born with it. Experiments conducted by psychologist Judith J. Langlois showed that even small infants prefer to look at attractive faces. Before they have met a single supermodel, before they have watched a single TV show, before they have opened up a single fashion magazine, they are drawn to the same faces which adults have judged to be attractive.

  There are more important things in life than beauty. But as Etcoff says, “We have to understand beauty, or we will always be enslaved by it.” If you aim to be wise and kind and funny, it doesn’t mean that you can’t also try your best to look beautiful. There’s no reason to feel guilty about being moved by beauty’s power. It moves us all.








  A pet’s commandments


  A dog is our friend, who will never oppose and hurt us. No matter who you are, wealthy or poor,they will always be with you. Now, please read these pet`s commandments, which will help you get a better understanding of your faithful friend.


  My life is likely to last ten to fifteen years. Any separation from you will be painful for me. Remember that before you buy me.


  Give me time to understand what you want of me.


  Don’t be angry for me for long and don’t lock me up as punishment. You have your work, your entertainment and your friends. I have only you.


  Talk to me sometimes. Even if I don’t understand your words, I understand your voice when it’s speaking to me.


  Be aware that however you treat me, I’ll never forget it and if it’s cruel it may affect me forever.


  Remerber before you hit me that I have teeth that could easily crush the bones of your hand, but that I choose not to bite you.


  Before you scold me for being lazy or uncooperative, ask yourself if something might be bothering me. Perhaps I`m not getting the right food, I have been in the sun too long, or my heart might be getting old or weak.


  Take care of me when I get old. You too, will grow old.


  When I will leave, you must guard at my side. Never say "I can’t bear to watch it" or "let it happen in my absence". Everything is easy for me if you are there. Remember, I love you.



  Failure doesn’t mean you are failuer,

  It does mean you haven’t succeeded yet.

  Failure doesn’t mean you have accomplished nothing,

  It does mean you have learned something.

  Failure doesn’t mean you have been a fool,

  It does mean you had a lot of faith.

  Failure doesn’t mean you’ve been disgraced,

  It does mean you were willing to try.

  Failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it,

  It does mean you have to do something in a different way.

  Failure doesn’t mean you are inferior,

  It does mean you are not perfect.

  Failure doesn’t mean you’ve wasted your life,

  It does mean you have a reason to start afresh.

  Failure doesn’t mean you should give up,

  It does mean you must try harder.

  Failure doesn’t mean you’ll never make it,

  It does mean it will take a little longer.

  Failure doesn’t mean God has abandoned you,

  It does mean God has a better idea.























  1. The more we know about ourselves, the more power we have to behave better. We each have an infinite capacity for self-deception countless unconscious ways we protect ourselves from pain, uncertainty, and responsibility often at the expense of others and of ourselves.

  1.越了解自己就越要谨慎而为。我们每个人在 自欺欺人 方面的潜能都是无限的,尽管大多数时候,我们这么做都是无意为之,是为了保护自己免受痛苦、责任和不确定的伤害。然而,当我们在欺骗自己的同时,可能就要用他人的痛苦、责任和不确定来作为代价。

  2. Notice the good. We each carry a predisposition to dwell on what's wrong in our lives. The antidote is to deliberately take time out each day to notice what's going right, and to feel grateful for what you've got.


  3. Let go of certainty. The opposite isn't uncertainty. It's openness, curiosity and a willingness to embrace paradox, rather than choose up sides. The ultimate challenge is to accept ourselves exactly as we are, but never stop trying to learn and grow.


  4. Never seek your value at the expense of someone else's. When we're feeling devalued, our reactive instinct is to do anything to restore what we've lost. Devaluing the person who made you feel bad will only prompt more of the same in return.


  5. Do the most important thing first in the morning and you'll never have an unproductive day. Most of us have the highest energy early in the day, and the fewest distractions. By focusing for a designated period of time, without interruption, on the highest value task for no more than 90 minutes, it's possible to get an extraordinary amount of work accomplished in a short time.


  6. It's possible to be excellent at anything, but nothing valuable comes easy and discomfort is part of growth. Getting better at something depends far less on inborn talent than it does the willingness to practice the activity over and over, and to seek out regular feedback, the more precise the better.


  7. The more behaviors you intentionally make automatic in your life, the more you'll get done. If you have to think about doing something each time you do it, you probably won't do it for very long. The trick is to get more things done using less energy and conscious self-control. How often do you forget to brush your teeth?


  8. Slow down. Speed is the enemy of nearly everything in life that really matters. It's addictive and it undermines quality, compassion, depth, creativity, appreciation and real relationship.


  9. The feeling of having enough is magical. It rarely depends on how much you've got. More is rarely better. Too much of anything eventually becomes toxic.


  10. Do the right thing because it's the right thing to do, and don't expect anything in return.Your values are one of the only possessions you have that no one can take away from you. Doing the right thing may not always get you what you think you want in the moment, but it will almost always leave you feeling better about yourself in the long run.


  11. Add more value in the world than you're using up. We spend down the earth's resources every day. Life's primary challenge is to put more back into the world than we take out.


  12. Savor every moment even the difficult ones. It all goes so fast.

  12.享受每一刻 即使是困难的时候,也要细细品味。生命中的每一刻都是转瞬即逝的。


  Sitting on a grassy grave, beneath one of the windows of the church, was a little girl.With her head bent back she was gazing up at the sky and singing, while one of her little hands was pointing to a tiny cloud that hovered like a golden feather above her head. The sun, which had suddenly become very bright, shining on her glossy hair, gave it a metallic luster, and it was difficult to say what was the color, dark bronze or black. So completely absorbed was she in watching the cloud to which her strange song or incantation seemed addressed, that she did not observe me when I rose and went towards her.Over her head, high up in the blue, a lark that was soaring towards' the same gauzy cloud was singing, as if in rivalry. As I slowly approached the child, I could see by her forehead, which, in the sunshine seemed like a globe of pearl, and especially by her complexion, that she was uncommonly lovely. Her eyes, which at one moment seemed blue-gray, at another violet, were shaded by long black lashes, curving backward in a most peculiar way, and these matched in hue her eyebrows, and the tresses that were tossed about her tender throat and were quivering in the sunlight. All this I did not take in at once; for at first I could see nothing but those quivering, glittering, changeful eyes turned up into my face. Gradually the other features, especially the sensitive full-lipped mouth, grew upon me as I stood silently gazing. Here seemed to me a more perfect beauty than had ever come to me in my loveliest dreams of beauty. Yet it was not her beauty so much as the look she gave me that fascinated me, melted me.



  It's never good news when your business adviser calls out of the blue and says, "Wes, we need to talk."

  That's what happened to me one spring morning not long after I'd arrived at my office. I own a small agency that handles speaking engagements and literary rights for Christian entertainers, authors and leaders. I started the business in my 20s and it grew to about a dozen employees, earning me enough to provide a comfortable living for my family and to send my kids to college.

  That year, though, the company hit a rough patch, so I'd hired a business consultant to give me some ideas for improvement. He's the one who called that April morning.

  "Wes," he said, "your company is in more trouble than you know. We need to get together. Soon."

  Before I could ask what was wrong he told me he had already been in touch with my banker and my accountant. "How about we meet at your house tonight?" I stammered out an okay and spent the rest of the day in a knot.

  That evening, Ken, the consultant, Ed, my banker, and Tom, my CPA, sat down in my living room. Normally they were laid-back Southern guys. Tonight they looked deadly serious. Tom pulled out some spreadsheets and other documents. "Wes," he said, "do you realize how deeply your company's in debt?"

  My eyes widened. A while back I'd transferred much of the day-to-day running of the company to two people I trusted. One was my chief operating officer. The other was Tim, my vice president. Tim had joined the business eight years earlier soon after graduating college. The COO had been with me 14 years. We were a team and close friends besides. Most weeks we spent far more time with each other than we did with our families.

  Ed, the banker, said, "Wes, I've been getting these phone calls from Tim asking questions about the company's accounts I didn't think were proper."

  "Did you know about this line of credit?" Ed continued, pointing to a paper with my signature authorizing the loan for a substantial sum of money. I didn't remember agreeing to borrow that much.

  "Take a look at these expenses," Ken said, indicating high-priced hotel rooms and restaurant bills Tim and the COO had charged to the company.

  I felt the color drain from my face. What on earth was going on? Yes, the past year had been difficult at work. I was in my 50s and eager to dial back, but I often disagreed with where Tim and the COO wanted to take the company. Still, none of our arguments ever suggested either of them wanted to deceive me.

  "The bottom line, Wes," said Ken, "is it's pretty clear these guys are taking advantage of you. We need to do some more research, but at the very least you're going to have to let these guys go. Legal charges may even be in order."

  I was stunned. The three of them went over some more figures then told me to lie low till we'd gathered enough documentation to make a clear case for dismissal. "In the meantime we're going to have to figure out how to get your company's finances back in order," said Tom. "You're in a pretty deep hole and it'll take some doing to climb out."

  They left and I stumbled upstairs. My wife, Linda, was getting ready for bed. I told her everything. Her face turned ashen. "Wes," she said, "I can't believe it. Those guys are our friends. They betrayed you! Why?"

  I shook my head. Until Linda used that word I hadn't thought of it as betrayal. These men were among my best friends. For some reason they'd taken advantage of my trust and drained money from the business we'd worked so hard to build. Maybe there was some explanation. Maybe it wasn't so utterly awful.

  The next morning in the office I knew it was that awful. Shock and dismay must've been written all over my face because the minute I said hello to Tim and the COO they stiffened and gave each other a look. The company's offices were small, a two-story brick building in a complex outside Nashville. My office was downstairs. The other two guys worked on the second floor. That day and the days following I sat at my desk listening to the profound silence upstairs. The office was unbearably tense.


  I started for school very late that morning and was in great dread of a scolding, especially because M. Hamel had said that he would question us on participles, and I did not know the first word about them. For a moment I thought of running away and spending the day out of doors. It was so warm, so bright! The birds were singing at the edge of the woods; and in the open field back of the sawmill the Prussian soldiers were drilling. It was all much more tempting than the rule for participles, but I had the strength to resist, and hurried off to school.

  When I passed the town hall there was a crowd in front of the bulletinboard. For the last two years all our bad news had come from there—the lost battles, the draft, the orders of the commanding officer—and I thought to myself, without stopping:

  “What can be the matter now?”

  Then, as I hurried by as fast as I could go, the blacksmith, Wachter, who was there, with his apprentice, reading the bulletin, called after me:

  “Don't go so fast, bub; you ll get to your school in plenty of time!”

  I thought he was making fun of me, and reached M. Hamel s little garden all out of breath.

  Usually, when school began, there was a great bustle, which could be heard out in the street, the opening and closing of desks, lessons repeated in unison, very loud, with our hands over our ears to understand better, and the teacher s great ruler beating on the table. But now it was all so still! I had counted on the commotion to get to my desk without being seen; but, of course, that day everything had to be as quiet as Sunday morning. Through the window I saw my classmates, already in their places, and M. Hamel walking up and down with his terrible iron ruler under his arm. I had to open the door and go in before everybody. You can imagine how I blushed and how frightened I was.

  But nothing happened. M. Hamel saw me and said very kindly:

  “Go to your place quickly, little Franz. We were beginning without you.”

  I jumped over the bench and sat down at my desk. Not till then, when I had got a little over my fright, did I see that our teacher had on his beautiful green coat, his frilled shirt, and the little black silk cap, all embroidered, that he never wore except on inspection and prize days. Besides, the whole school seemed so strange and solemn. But the thing that surprised me most was to see, on the back benches that were always empty, the village people sitting quietly like ourselves; old Hauser, with his three-cornered hat, the former mayor, the former postmaster, and several others besides. Everybody looked sad; and Hauser had brought an old primer, thumbed at the edges, and he held it open on his knees with his great glasses lying across the pages.

  While I was wondering about it all, M. Hamel mounted his chair, and, in the same grave and gentle tone which he had used to me, said:

  “My children, this is the last lesson I shall give you. The order has come from Berlin to teach only German in the schools of Alsace and Lorraine. The new master comes tomorrow. This is your last French lesson. I want you to be very attentive.”

  What a thunderclap these words were to me!

  Oh, the wretches; that was what they had put up at the town hall!

  My last French lesson! Why, I hardly knew how to write! I should never learn any more! I must stop there, then! Oh, how sorry I was for not learning my lessons, for seeking birds eggs, or going sliding on the Saar! My books, that had seemed such a nuisance a while ago, so heavy to carry, my grammar, and my history, were old friends now that I couldn t give up. And M. Hamel, too; the idea that he was going away, that I should never see him again, made me forget all about his ruler and how cranky he was.


  时间的疗伤能力The Healing Power of Time

  The healing power of time is legendary. When skies are grey it can be hard to imagine brighter days ahead. When you feel your heart has been crushed1, you wonder how you can overcome the pain and anguish.


  Time can bring about the most magical changes in our lives. All you need to do is add in a little faith. If you can visualize duanwenw.com a positive outcome and hold onto that vision, no matter what, the healing power of time will prove itself to you. Perhaps the most helpful thing you can do, meanwhile, is seek a distraction. Try to find something meaningful that you can turn to.


  Creative activities can have an amazing healing influence. In times of acute stress you can immerseduanwenw.com yourself almost instantly. Most of us are able to put pen to paper; the act of writing, drawing or painting has the power to quickly absorb your thoughts and shift your energies. Maybe you could turn your hand to sculpting. Have you thought of trying poetry?


  Remember, the anguish you may feel right now is only temporary. Try to you’re your mind relax and allow yourself the healing power of time.



  1、“Thank you for your application. We would like to congratulate you,” the letter read. Those words can make your heart skip a beat and bring tears to your eyes. The feeling of following your dreams is inexplicableand proof that all your hard work was worth it.“感谢你的申请。我们要恭喜你,”信上写道。那些话能使你的心为之一颤,让你热泪盈眶。追随梦想的感受是难以言喻的,并且证明你所有的努力都是值得的。

  2、It is a signpost in life, a trail marker. It is a day you will never forget, the day you opened that envelope and your future was revealed. But what about all those days in-between—the ones that make and break you, the days that are nothing special.那是人生中的一个标记,人生路上的.里程碑。那是你永远不会忘记的日子,那天你打开那个信封,你的未来就随之展现。但是在你获得录取信之前的所有日子呢?那些使你成功也使你崩溃的日子,那些平平淡淡的日子。

  3、Would you have received that acceptance letter had you not attended the college fair at your school? What if you had forgotten to send an essay with your application, would you have been rejected?要是你那时没有参加学校的学院展,你还会收到录取信吗?如果当时在寄申请书的时候,你忘记附上一篇个人陈述,你会被拒绝吗?

  4、In life, one step creates the next. Each day is of equal importance, no matter how good or bad. There is no moment in life that does not matter. Regardless of how insignificant, each choice, each day, each idea, is the birth of the next. Something simple can completely reshapeyour life. It’s just like the Butterfly Effect and you never know what is at the end. To go back in time and change one moment in the many that create your life could change everything that follows.人生中,步步相随。无论好与坏,每一天都一样的重要。人生中没有一个时刻是无关紧要的。不管如何不值一提,每个选择、每一天、每个想法,都会引出下一步。简单的事情可以完全重塑你的人生。那就像是“蝴蝶效应”,你永远不知道最后的结果是什么。若回顾从前并改变创造你人生的众多时刻中的一个,随后的一切也会被改变。

  5、If I’ve learned anything, it is that everything matters. You can struggle through life in an attempt to create the perfect path, but the truth is you will always wonder if it could have been better. Everything is important and nothing need be changed—to climb up the hill may be difficult, but you’ll reach the top no matter which path you choose.要是说我悟出什么道理,那就是任何事情都是重要的。你可以奋斗一生,试图创造完美的人生之路,但事实是你总是怀疑是否原本有更好的路可以走。每件事情都是重要的,任何事情都无需改变——攀山的过程可能是艰辛的,但无论你选择哪条道路,你终会到达顶峰。


  My grandmother became a widow in 1970. Shortly after that, we went to the animal shelter to pick out a puppy to keep her company. Grandma decided on a little terrier that had a reddish-brown spot above each eye. Because of these spots, the dog was promptly named Penny.

  Grandma and Penny quickly became very attached to each other, but that attachment grew much stronger about three years later when Grandma had a stroke. Grandma could no longer work, so when she came home from the hospital, she and Penny were constant companions.

  After her stroke, it became a real problem for Grandma to let Penny in and out because the door was at the bottom of a flight of stairs. So a mechanism using a rope and pulley was installed from the back door to a handle at the top of the stairs. Grandma just had to pull the handle to open and close the door. If the store was out of Penny's favorite dog food, Grandma would make one of us cook Penny browned beef with diced potatoes in it. I can remember teasing my grandmother that she loved that dog better than she loved her family.

  As the years passed, Grandma and Penny became inseparable. Grandma's old house could be filled to the brim with people, but if Grandma went to take her nap, Penny walked along beside her and stayed by her side until she awoke. As Penny aged, she could no longer jump up on the bed to lay next to Grandma, so she laid on the rug beside the bed. If Grandma went into the bathroom, Penny would hobble along beside her, wait outside the door and accompany her back to the bed or chair. Grandma never went anywhere without her faithful companion by her side.

  The time came when both my grandmother and Penny's health were failing fast. Penny couldn't get around very well, and Grandma had been hospitalized several times. My uncle and I lived with Grandma, so Penny was never left alone, even when Grandma was in the hospital. During these times, Penny sat at the window looking out for the car bringing Grandma home and would excitedly wait at the door when Grandma came through it. Each homecoming was a grand reunion between the two.

  On Christmas Day in 1985, Grandma was again taken to the hospital. Penny, as usual, sat watching out the window for the car bringing Grandma home. Two mornings later when the dog woke up, she couldn't seem to work out the stiffness in her hips as she usually did. The same morning, she began having seizures. At age fifteen, we knew it was time. My mother and aunt took her to the veterinarian and stayed with her until the end.

  Now the big dilemma was whether to tell Grandma while she was still in the hospital or wait. The decision was made to tell her while she was in the hospital because when we pulled up at the house, the first thing Grandma would look for was her beloved Penny watching out the window and then happily greeting her at the door. Grandma shed some tears but said she knew that it had to be done so Penny wouldn't suffer.

  That night while still in the hospital, Grandma had a massive heart attack. The doctors frantically worked on her but could not revive her. After fifteen years of loving companionship, Grandma and Penny passed away within a few hours of each other. God had it all worked out – Penny was waiting at door when Grandma came Home.


  如果我休息,我就会生锈If I Rest, I Will Rust

  The significant1 words found on an old key —"If I rest, I will rust"—would be an excellent motto for those who are lazy.


  Even the most diligent person might adopt it as a reminder. If one allows his abilities to rest, duanwenw.com like the iron in the unused key, they will soon show signs of rust, and, finally, cannot do the work required of them.


  Those who wish to climb to great heights must constantly keep their abilities in use, so that they may unlock the doors to knowledge.


  Diligence keeps the key that opens the treasury of achievement bright. If Hugh Miller, after working hard all day in a mine, duanwenw.com had devoted his evenings to rest and relaxation, he would never have become a famous geologist4. The famous mathematician, Edmund Stone, would never have found the key to the science of mathematics if he had given his spare moments to idleness. If the young Scottish man, Ferguson, had allowed his busy brain to go to sleep while he tended sheep on the hillside instead of measuring the positions of the stars, he would never have become a distinguished astronomer ..


  .Labor conquers all: not inconsistent or ill-directed labor, but faithful and unstopping daily effort, toward a well-directed purpose. Eternal diligence is the price of noble and enduring success.



  密友与普通朋友Real and Simple Friend

  Anyone can stand by you when you are right, but a friend will stand by you when you are wrong.


  A simple friend identifies himself when he calls. A real friend doesn’t have to.


  A simple friend opens a conversation with a full news bulletin on his life.duanwenw.com A real friend says, "What’s new with you?"


  A simple friend thinks the problems you complain about are recent. A real friend says, "You’ve been complaining about the same thing for years."


  A simple friend has never seen you cry. A real friend has shoulders wet from your tears.


  A simple friend doesn’t know our parents ’first names.duanwenw.com A real friend has their phone numbers in his address book.


  A simple friend brings a bottle of wine to your party.A real friend comes early to help you cook and stays late to help you clean.


  A simple friend hates it when you call after he has gone to bed. A real friend asks you why you take so long to call.


  A simple friend seeks to talk with you about your problems. A real friend seeks to help you with your problems.



  生活不易Life is Difficult

  It is a great truth because once we truly understand and accept it, Then life is no longer difficult. 一旦我们懂得并接受生活,生活便不再艰难。这是伟大的真理。

  Most do not fully see this truth. Instead they complain about their problem

  and difficulties as if life should be easy. It seems to them that difficulties represent a special kind of suffering especially forced upon them or else upon their families, their class, or even their nation. 但是大多数人没有认识到这一点。他们只会抱怨遇到的问题和生活的.艰难,好像生活本不该这么艰难。似乎困难就代表了一种强加于他们,或强加于他们的家人、阶级、民族的苦难。生活之所以如此艰难,是因为面对和解决问题的过程是一个痛苦的过程。生活中不同种类的问题会给我们带来悲伤、孤独、遗憾、愤怒与恐惧。那是一种令人不舒服的感觉,像身体的疼痛一样令人痛苦。由于生活中经常会有各种各样无穷无尽的问题,生活才显得艰难并充满痛苦与欢乐。

  What makes life difficult is that the process of facing and solving problems is a painful one. Problems, depending on their nature , cause in us sadness or loneliness or regret or anger or fear. These are un- comfortable feelings, often as painful as any kind of physical pain. And since life causes an endless series of problems, life is always difficult and is full of pain as well as joy. 然而,正是在处理这些问题的整个过程中,生命体现出其意义所在。那些问题就是严峻的考验,能让我们分辨成功与失败。当我们鼓舞别人打英语短文起精神时,我们就是在鼓励人去解决问题,就像在学校里我们给学生设置一些问题让他们去解决一样。在面对问题与解决问题的过程中,我们不断学到新东西。正如本杰明-富兰克林所说:有些东西使我们受伤,又给我们指明方向。正因如此,许多人便学着不再恐惧,而是欢迎问题给我们带来痛苦。

  Yet, it is in this whole process of solving problem that life has its meaning.

  Problems are the serious test that tells us success from failure. When we desire to encourage the growth of human spirit, we encourage the human ability to solve problems, just as in school we set problems for our children to solve. It is through the pain of meeting and working out problems that we learn. As Benjamin Franklin said, those things that hurt, instruct. It is for this reason that wise people learn not to fear but to welcome the pain of problems.










