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时间:2024-05-22 09:50:41 经典美文 我要投稿





  there were a sensitivity and a beauty to her that have nothing to do with looks.

  She was one to be listened to, whose words were so easy to take to heart.

  I have thought about her often over the years and how she struggled in a society that places an incredible premium on looks, class, wealth and all the other fineries of life.

  She suffered from a disfigurement that cannot be made to look attractive.

  I know that her condition hurt her deeply.

  Would her life have been different had she been pretty? Chances are it would have.

  And yet there were a sensitivity and a beauty to her that had nothing to do with looks.

  She was one to be listened to, whose words were so easy to take to heart.

  Her words came from a wounded but loving heart, very much like all hearts, but she had more of a need to be aware of it, to live with it and learn from it.

  She possessed a fine-tuned sense of beauty.

  Her only fear in life was the loss of a friend.

  It is said that the true nature of being is veiled.

  The labor of words, the expression of art, the seemingly ceaseless buzz that is human thought all have in common the need to get at what really is so.

  The hope to draw close to and possess the truth of being can be a feverish one.

  In some cases it can even be fatal, if pleasure is one's truth and its attainment more important than life itself.

  In other lives, though, the search for what is truthful gives life.

  The truth of her life was a desire to see beyond the surface for a glimpse of what it is that matters.

  She found beauty and grace and they befriended her, and showed her what is real.


  A team from the Hokkaido Industrial Research Institute has built a number of "melody roads", which use cars as tuning forks to play music as they travel.[Agencies]

  Motorists used to listening to the radio or their favorite tunes on CDs may have a new way to entertain themselves, after engineers in Japan developed a musical road surface.

  A team from the Hokkaido Industrial Research Institute has built a number of "melody roads", which use cars as tuning forks to play music as they travel.

  The concept works by using grooves, which are cut at very specific intervals in the road surface.

  Just as traveling over small speed bumps or road markings can emit a rumbling tone throughout a vehicle, the melody road uses the spaces between to create different notes.

  Depending on how far apart the grooves are, a car moving over them will produce a series of high or low notes, enabling cunning designers to create a distinct tune.

  Patent documents for the design describe it as notches "formed in a road surface so as to play a desired melody without producing simple sound or rhythm and reproduce melody-like tones".

  There are three musical strips in central and northern Japan - one of which plays the tune of a Japanese pop song. Notice of an impending musical interlude, which lasts for about 30 seconds, is highlighted by colored musical notes painted on to the road. According to reports, the system was the brainchild of Shizuo Shinoda, who accidentally scraped some markings into a road with a bulldozer before driving over them and realizing that they helped to produce a variety of tones.

  The designs were refined by engineers at the institute in Sapporo.

  The team has previously worked on new technologies including the use of infra-red light to detect dangerous road surfaces. But motorists expecting to create their own hard rock soundtrack could find themselves struggling to live the dream.

  Not only is the optimal speed for achieving melody road playback a mere 44 kph, but locals say it is not always easy to get the intended sound.


  a group of colleagues got together to visit their old university professor。conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life 。offering his guests coffee ,the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and many styles —porcelain,plastic,glass ,some expensive, some exquisite ,telling them to help themselves to the coffee。when all the students had a cup of coffee in hand ,the professor said:if you noticed ,all the nice looking expensive cups were taken up,leaving behind the plain and cheap ones。 while it is normal for you to want only the best for yourselves ,that is the source of your problems and stress。

  indeed, what all of us really want is coffee, not the cup 。we consciously go for the best cups,and then we begin eying other's cups。so is our life。 life is the coffee,the jobs ,money and position in society are the cups。 they are just tools to hold our life and the cups can't change the quality of the life we live。

  sometimes,by concentrating only on the cup ,we fail to enjoy the coffee god has provided us 。god just brews the coffee ,not the cups。 so enjoy our coffee!

  the happiest people don't have the best of everything,and they just make the best of everything。so love generously !care deeply! live simply! leave the rest to the god !


  There is a third consideration which will also tend to warn us against loss of time. Our life is a brief span measuring some sixty or seventy years in all, but nearly one half of this has to be spent in sleep; some years have to be spent over our meals; some over dressing and undressing; some in making journeys on land and voyages by sea; some in merry-making, either on our own account or for the sake of others; some in celebrating religious and social festivities; some in watching over the sick-beds of our nearest and dearest relatives. Now if all these years were to be deducted from the tern over which our life extends we shall find about fifteen or twenty years at our disposal for active work. Whoever remembers this can never willingly waste a single moment of his life. "It is astonishing" says Lord Chesterfield "that anyone can squander away in absolute idleness one single moment of that portion of time which is allotted to us in this world. Know the true value of time; snatch, seize, and enjoy every moment of it!" (187 words)


  Her eyes, which at one moment seemed blue-gray, at another violet, were shaded by long black lashes, curving backward in a most peculiar way, and these matched in hue her eyebrows, and the tresses that were tossed about her tender throat and were quivering in the sunlight. All this I did not take in at once; for at first I could see nothing but those quivering, glittering, changeful eyes turned up into my face. Gradually the other features, especially the sensitive full-lipped mouth, grew upon me as I stood silently gazing. Here seemed tome a more perfect beauty than had ever come to me in my loveliest dreams of beauty. Yet it was not her beauty so much as the look she gave me that fascinated me, melted me. (129 words) (302 words)

  From Aylwin

  by Theodore Watts-Dunton


  You must study to be frank with the world:frankness is the child of honesty and courage. Say just what you mean to do, on every occasion. If a friend asks a favor, you should grant it, if it is reasonable; if not, tell him plainly why you cannot. You would wrong him and wrong yourself by equivocation of any kind.

  Never do a wrong thing to make a friend or keep one. The man who requires you to do so is dearly purchased at a sacrifice. Deal kindly but firmly with all your classmates. You will find it the policy which wears best. Above all, do not appear to others what you are not.

  If you have any fault to find with any one, tell him, not others, of what you complain. There is no more dangerous experiment than that of undertaking to do one thing before a man's face and another behind his back. We should say and do nothing to the injury of any one. It is not only a matter of principle, but also the path of peace and hornor.

  By Robert E. Lee




  英文也是与电脑联系最密切的语言,大多数编程语言都与英文有联系,而且随着网络的使用,英文的使用更普及。英文是联合国的工作语言之一。 苏格兰语、低地撒克逊语、丹麦语、德语、荷兰语、南非荷兰语和英文也很接近。拥有法国血统的诺曼人于11世纪征服英格兰王国,带来数万法语词汇和拉丁语词汇,很大程度地丰富了英文词汇外,相对也驱使不少原生的语汇作废。


  A little boy invited his mother to attend his elementary school’s first teacher-parent conference. To the little boy s dismay, she said she would go. This would be the first time that his classmates and teacher met his mother and he was embarrassed by her appearance. Although she was a beautiful woman, there was a severe scar that covered nearly the entire right side of her face. The boy never wanted to talk about why or how she got the scar.

  At the conference, the people were impressed by the kindness and natural beauty of his mother despite the scar, but the little boy was still embarrassed and hid himself from everyone. He did, however, get within earshot of a conversation between his mother and his teacher, and heard them speaking.

  "How did you get the scar on your face?" the teacher asked.

  The mother replied, "When my son was a baby, he was in a room that caught on fire . Everyone was too afraid to go in because the fire was out of control, so I went in. As I was running toward his crib , I saw a beam coming down and I placed myself over him trying to protect him. I was knocked unconscious but fortunately, a fireman came in and saved both of us." She touched the burned side of her face. "This scar will be permanent 8, but to this day, I have never regretted doing what I did."

  At this point, the little boy came out running towards his mother with tears in his eyes. He hugged her and felt an overwhelming sense of the sacrifice that his mother had made for him. He held her hand tightly for the rest of the day.








  Box Full of Kisses

  The story goes that some time ago, a man punished his 3-year-old daughter for wasting a roll of gold wrapping paper. Money was tight and he became infuriated when the child tried to decorate a box to put under the Christmas tree. Nevertheless, the little girl brought the gift to her father the next morning and said, "This is for you, Daddy." The man was embarrassed by his earlier overreaction, but his anger flared again when he found out the box was empty. He yelled at her, stating, "Don't you know, when you give someone a present, there is supposed to be something inside? The little girl looked up at him with tears in her eyes and cried, "Oh, Daddy, it's not empty at all. I blew kisses into the box. They're all for you, Daddy." The father was crushed. He put his arms around his little girl, and he begged for her forgiveness. Only a short time later, an accident took the life of the child. It is also told that her father kept that gold box by his bed for many years and, whenever he was discouraged, he would take out an imaginary kiss and remember the love of the child who had put it there. In a very real sense, each one of us, as humans beings, have been given a gold container filled with unconditional love and kisses... from our children, family members, friends, and God. There is simply no other possession, anyone could hold, more precious than this.


  从前,一位父亲惩罚了自己5岁的女儿,因为她用光了家里仅有的一卷昂贵的金色包装纸。家中余钱无多,在圣诞前夜来临时,父亲变得更加心烦意乱,他看到了圣诞树下的一个鞋盒,女儿原来把金纸贴在了这个鞋盒上做装饰。 然而,圣诞日的早上,小女孩满是兴奋得把这个圣诞礼盒呈到了父亲面前,说到:“爸爸,这个送给你!” 当父亲打开礼盒时,他为自己先前的过度反应而局促不安着。 但是当他打开盒子后,发现里面是空的,他的怒火再次爆发了。“你不知道吗,小丫头,”他严厉地说,“当你送人礼物时,盒子里面应该是有东西的!” 小女孩抬头看着气头上的父亲,泪水在她的眼眶中打圈:“爸爸,它不是空的。这里面装满了我的`吻。” 男人顿时被击垮了。他跪下双膝,双手环抱着自己珍爱的小女孩,祈求她的原谅。 之后不久,一场事故夺走了小女孩的生命。据说,父亲便将那个小金盒子放在床头,一直陪伴着他的余生。无论何时他感到气馁或者遇到难办的事情,他就会打开礼盒,取出一个假想的吻,记起漂亮女儿给予了自己特殊的爱。 从一个非常真实的意义上说,我们每个人都被赠与过一个无形的金色礼盒,那里面装满了来自子女,家人,朋友及上帝无条件的爱与吻。 人们所能拥有的最珍贵的礼物莫过于此了。这篇材料你能听出多少?


  For Love of Children

  This slender volume opens with the story of Beniah, an infant rescued by sanitation workers from the stack of garbage in which he had been left to die. Without ever losing sight of Beniah and the too many other deserted children, the author, Sharon Emecz, tells the story of the two homes for abandoned children, Happy Life Kasarani and Happy Life Juja Farm, organized in the area of Nairobi, Kenya. Developed more than a decade ago by two indomitable couples, Sharon and Jim Powell from Delaware in the USA, and Faith and Peter Kamau from Nairobi, the two settings provide the physical and emotional comforts that would otherwise have been denied the 102 abandoned children now living there, as well as having nurtured the many more who have found adoptive homes. More than that even, the two homes have literally saved the lives of all those children. The book provides detail of the structure and functioning of The Happy Life homes allowing for an appreciation of their organization (as well as a pattern for their replication), and provides as well brief portraits of some of the children saved, of those adults who have opted to share a part of their lives with them whether through work or volunteering, and the adoptive parents who have pledged to share their homes and their love with the children who have become their own. Ms. Emecz gives the reader a real sense of the spiritual journey she has undergone in traveling from London to Nairobi, a journey she and her husband, Steve, now make at least annually.

  Three Days to See

  All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live. Sometimes it was as long as a year, sometimes as short as 24 hours. But always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed hero chose to spend his last days or his last hours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, not condemned criminals whose sphere of activities is strictly delimited.

  Such stories set us thinking, wondering what we should do under similar circumstances. What events, what experiences, what associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings, what regrets?

  Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life. We should live each day with gentleness, vigor and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come. There are those, of course, who would adopt the Epicurean motto of “Eat, drink, and be merry”. But most people would be chastened by the certainty of impending death.

  In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. He becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It has often been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.

  Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.

  The same lethargy, I am afraid, characterizes the use of all our faculties and senses. Only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sight. Particularly does this observation apply to those who have lost sight and hearing in adult life. But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these blessed faculties. Their eyes and ears take in all sights and sounds hazily, without concentration and with little appreciation. It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it, of not being conscious of health until we are ill.

  I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.


  2. The Humming-bird Of all animals being this is the most elegant in form and the most brilliant in colors. The stones and metals polished by our arts are not comparable to this jewel of Nature. She has placed it least in size of the order of birds. "maxime Miranda in minimis." Her masterpiece is this little humming-bird, and upon it she has heaped all the gifts which the other birds may only share. Lightness, rapidity, nimbleness, grace, and rich apparel all belong to this little favorite. The emerald, the ruby, and the topaz gleam upon its dress. It never soils them with the dust of earth, and in its aerial life scarcely touches the turf an instant. Always in the air, flying from flower to flower, it has their freshness as well as their brightness. It lives upon their nectar, and dwells only in the climates where they perennially bloom. (149 words) From Natural History By George Louise Buffon


  Growing Roots

  When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor named Dr. Gibbs. He didn't look like any doctor I'd ever known. He never yelled at us for playing in his yard. I remember him as someone who was a lot nicer than circumstances warranted.

  When Dr. Gibbs wasn't saving lives, he was planting trees. His house sat on ten acres, and his life's goal was to make it a forest.

  The good doctor had some interesting theories concerning plant husbandry. He came from the “No pain, no gain” school of horticulture. He never watered his new trees, which flew in the face of conventional wisdom. Once I asked why. He said that watering plants spoiled them, and that if you water them, each successive tree generation will grow weaker and weaker. So you have to make things rough for them and weed out the weenie trees early on.

  He talked about how watering trees made for shallow roots, and how trees that weren't watered had to grow deep roots in search of moisture. I took him to mean that deep roots were to be treasured.

  So he never watered his trees. He'd plant an oak and, instead of watering it every morning, he'd beat it with a rolled-up newspaper. Smack! Slap! Pow! I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the tree's attention.

  Dr. Gibbs went to glory a couple of years after I left home. Every now and again, I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I'd watched him plant some twenty-five years ago. They're granite strong now. Big and robust. Those trees wake up in the morning and beat their chests and drink their coffee black.

  I planted a couple of trees a few years back. Carried water to them for a solid summer. Sprayed them. Prayed over them. The whole nine yards. Two years of coddling has resulted in trees that expect to be waited on hand and foot. Whenever a cold wind blows in, they tremble and chatter their branches. Sissy trees.

  Funny things about those trees of Dr. Gibbs'. Adversity and deprivation seemed to benefit them in ways comfort and ease never could.

  Every night before I go to bed, I check on my two sons. I stand over them and watch their little bodies, the rising and falling of life within. I often pray for them. Mostly I pray that their lives will be easy. But lately I've been thinking that it's time to change my prayer.

  This change has to do with the inevitability of cold winds that hit us at the core. I know my children are going to encounter hardship, and I'm praying they won't be naive. There's always a cold wind blowing somewhere.

  So I'm changing my prayer. Because life is tough, whether we want it to be or not. Too many times we pray for ease, but that's a prayer seldom met. What we need to do is pray for roots that reach deep into the Eternal, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we won't be swept asunder.


  True love is not a matter of giving, not a voice in the mouth, but a success in action.

  Mother's day is coming, when I was for the present problems in the suds, a bold idea jumped out from my mind: "this mother's day, I want to use action to prove their love for mother!" To make sure that there are no mistakes and to raise hands in class. Even the high score on the computer test is my preparation.

  Mother's day arrived, although I am "two cuffs", but the heart has already had very expensive gift. I mysteriously pull mother to a secluded place, index finger against the mouth, "hush" sound, mother don't talk, then head and patrol up in all directions, it's a secret agent. The mother looked at her with amusement. She asked, "what is it? It's the same as saying that the country is going to die." I ignored it, and I was satisfied with the detection, so I said happily, "happy mother's day, mommy!" I was a little disappointed to see my mother's reaction just "MMMM". But at the thought of my present, I was chuckling to myself. I opened my mouth and said, "my gift is: the computer test is the first in the class, the first in the whole grade is also possible, the people who are exempt from the exam say that if they also take the exam, they are not equal to me! Also, I have raised my hand recently, I think I have made progress! Last of all, there were seven consecutive pairs, and there were only four of them, and I was one of them! Mom listened and said, "this is the best gift I've ever received on mother's day!"

  Sometimes, your results are more soothing to your mother than the sound of your material and mouth!


  IT"S part history, part mythology and part pure Hollywood. "King Arthur" claims to be the "true" story behind the hero who caused the legend. The epic action film is now in China to present the legendary hero"s courage and power. "King Arthur" hit cinemas across China on October 19.

  The legend of King Arthur has not been historically established as fact. But, the film seems to place Arthur within a possible historic context: When the Roman Empire collapsed (around AD 450) and there were wars over power in outlying countries.

  Clive Owen as King Arthur

  British actor Clive Owen plays Arthur, a warrior and reluctant leader in 5th-century England. He wants to return to the peace of old Rome. However, a wily Roman priest forces him to undertake one last mission: rescue a Roman nobleman from deep inside enemy territory, ahead of the advancing Saxon troops.

  The mission leads him and his Knights of the Round Table to one conclusion: when Rome is gone, Britain will need a leader to fill the vacuum. Britain needs a king. That means someone to defend against the invading Saxons, and someone to lead it into a new age. Under the guidance of Merlin (British actor Stephen Dillane), a former enemy, and with beautiful, courageous Guinevere (British actress Keira Knightley) by his side, Arthur will have to find the strength to change the course of history.

  Unlike that other Hollywood epic, "Troy" (adapted from Homer"s great epic), "King Arthur" puts emphasis on the legend"s possibly realistic side. US director Antoine Fuqua called this film the "real" story behind the King Arthur mythology" — no fantasy or legend, just realism.

  ""Troy" suffered from cutting many violent scenes when it was screened in China, but "King Authur" didn"t," said an official of Huaxia Film Distribution Company, which is responsible for the film"s release in China, "the total cutting of the film is a mere 30 seconds, which ensures complete and exciting visual enjoyment."


  From the window of my room, I could see a tall cotton rose hibiscus1. In spring, when the leaves

  duanwenw.com were half hidden by mist, the tree looked very enchanting, dotted with red blossoms. An inspiring neighbor of mine often set my mind working. I gradually began to regard it as my best friend.


  One day, when I opened the window in the morning, to my amazement, the tree was almost bare beyond recognition as a result of the storm the night before. I felt a terrible sadness when I thought about the saying, "All blossoms are doomed2 to fall."


  The course of life never runs smoothly. There are many ups and downs, and twists and turns. Isn’t it similar to the tree shedding3 its flowers in the wind? This event faded from my memory as time went by. One day after I came home from the countryside, I found the room to be stuffy4 and casually opened the window. Something outside caught my duanwenw.com eye and surprised me. It was a plum5 tree filled with scarlet blossoms standing in front of a beautiful sunset. The surprising discovery overwhelmed me. I realized that there was unyielding life sprouting6 over the fallen petals7 all around me.



  When the last withered petal dropped, all the joyful admiration for the hibiscus was forgotten, duanwenw.com until the landscape was again bright with red plum blossoms to remind people of life’s alternation and continuance. Can’t it be said that life is actually a symphony, a harmonious composition of loss and gain.


  Standing by the window lost in thought for a long time, I realized that no scene in the world remains unchanged. As long as you keep your heart basking8 in the sun, every dawn will present a new prospect for you, and the world will always be about new hopes.



  After the funeral, the family made its way from the cemetery back to the house. Ladies from the church had arrived early, uncovering casseroles and platters of sandwiches and desserts. Nobody talked much. Poppa mumbled that he didn"t know how he was going to get along without Mama around anymore. We all agreed it was going to be hard.

  After lunch, we just sat there, all out of tears . . . not really knowing what to do without Mama there to organize everybody. I forget who it was that broke the silence.

  "Well, we need to make some decisions soon about dividing up Mama"s things."

  There were furs and furniture, photos and antiques, crystal, handmade quilts, hats and shoes, rockers and jewelry. It all needed to be divided between the four children and their families.

  Suddenly, from the adjoining room, my thirteen-year-old daughter came running. Her ears had perked up when she overheard the conversation about dividing a household of her grandmother"s belongings.

  "I know what I want," she said boldly. "I want Grandmommy"s dancing slippers!"

  "Dancing slippers?" I asked in surprise. "But Grandmommy doesn"t have any dancing slippers."

  "Oh, yes she does. I"ll go get them and show you."

  I followed closely as she hurried down the hallway - straight into Grandmommy"s bedroom. Not the pink bedroom where she slept every night, but the rarely used guest room at the far end of the house.

  It was a stately room, featuring a four-poster bed and an antique washstand draped with linens. In the corner was a vase full of peacock feathers from Uncle Henry"s farm. Granddaddy"s Bible lay open on the marble dresser, his reading glasses folded and resting somewhere in the Book of John. And sure enough, beside the bed, on a hand-made wooden shoebox, sat a pair of golden slippers with pixie pointed toes.

  My daughter picked them up and held them out for me to observe.

  "Honey, why do you call these Grandmommy"s dancing slippers?" I asked. "Grandmommy didn"t dance."

  A look of disbelief swept across her face.

  "Oh, yes she did! Grandmommy always danced in these shoes!"

  As quickly as she spoke the words, I remembered. My mother had, indeed, danced many times. I had forgotten about the earlier years when we visited. She took my two children back into her special guest bedroom and closed the door. And there, before her private audience, she would put on her golden slippers and dance the Charleston.

  Often I would sneak a little peek. My children would sit on the floor, wide-eyed and watching, as my mother crossed her hands over her knees, twirled her invisible string of pearls and danced so fast she would fling her golden slippers aimlessly into the air.

  Laughing as they watched her dance the jitterbug, the children cried, "Do it again. Dance again!" So out of breath she could hardly speak, she would find the golden slippers, slide them onto her feet and start the performance over.

  Twenty-five years after Grandmommy"s death, my daughter got married. She arrived at the chapel wearing a shoulder-length veil and a white satin dress accented in butter-cream lace and pearls. A boys" choir marched before her in the processional and as the organist played the first notes of "Trumpet Voluntary," she took hold of her father"s arm and began her long walk down the aisle.

  Snug on her feet, sliding across the stone floor, was a pair of aged, worn-out golden slippers with pixie pointed toes. And in the air was the feeling that somewhere up there, part of a private audience, was Grandmommy, wide-eyed and watching, smiling . . . and dancing the Charleston.










