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时间:2023-12-31 07:17:43 经典美文 我要投稿
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  1、路在脚下,事在人为。 The road is at your feet, and everything depends on man-made efforts.

  2、苦尽甘来,雕刻人生。Work hard and work hard to carve life.

  3、唯有坚持,人生才能更美好。Only by persistence can life be better.

  4、苦,吃过了,才知道难。Bitter, after eating, we know it is difficult.

  5、无论怎样,都要永敢接受。No matter what, always dare to accept it.

  6、忍下误解,才能成就非凡。Endure misunderstandings to achieve extraordinary results.

  7、无论如何,明天又是新的一天。Anyway, tomorrow is another day.

  8、没有什么,比梦想更值得坚持!Nothing is worth sticking to more than a dream!

  9、在这个世界上,谁人不辛苦?Who doesn't work hard in this world?

  10、自律不易,却能让人生变甜。Self discipline is not easy, but it can make life sweet.

  11、坚持下去,遇见更好的自己。Stick to it and meet better yourself.

  12、成功不是先有钱,而是先有胆。To succeed is not to have money first, but to have courage first.

  13、坚持下去,你能行。Hold on, you can do it.

  14、固守本心,一路向前。Stick to your heart and move forward all the way.

  15、自律者优秀,懒散者出局。Those who are self disciplined are excellent, and those who are lazy are out.

  16、人生没有退路,每一步都作数。There is no retreat in life. Count every step.

  17、心向阳光,一路向前。Heart to sunshine, all the way forward.

  18、直面困境,对生活保持信心。Face the difficulties and maintain confidence in life.

  19、一路前行,无畏风雨。All the way forward, fearless of wind and rain.

  20、前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。The future is bright and the road is tortuous.

  21、坚持是根本,心态要平和。Persistence is fundamental, and the mentality should be peaceful.

  22、一路向前,一直前行。All the way, all the way.

  23、保持努力,继续上进。Keep working hard and keep improving.

  24、有自律加持的人生,才更美好。A life with self-discipline is better.

  25、迅速备战,才有机会逃离危险!Prepare quickly before you have a chance to escape danger!

  26、只能前行,不能后退。You can only move forward, not backward.

  27、微笑一下,胜过阳光!A smile is better than sunshine!

  28、坚持比完美,更重要。Persistence is more important than perfection.

  29、坚持,是一种强大的力量。Persistence is a powerful force.

  30、根深才能蒂固,必会枝繁叶茂!Only when the roots are deep can the roots be strong, and the branches and leaves will be luxuriant!

  31、事在人为,一切皆有可能。Everything is possible because it is man-made.

  32、生活再难也能熬到,看见曙光。No matter how hard life is, you can endure it and see the dawn.

  33、人生没有退路,唯有向前。Life has no way back, only forward.

  34、忍受一切,苦尽甘来!Endure everything and be happy!

  35、一路向前,勿忘心安。Along the way, don't forget peace of mind.

  36、好好坚持,终有回报。Stick to it and it will pay off.

  37、坚持,源自热爱。Persistence comes from love.

  38、一路向前,无问西东。All the way forward, no questions.

  39、遇到逆境,冲出逆境!Encounter adversity, rush out of adversity!

  40、一次积累,便是一次成长。One accumulation is one growth.

  41、坚持下去,黑暗中总会出现光。Hold on, there will always be light in the dark.

  42、格局大的人,内心很干净。People with a big pattern have a clean heart.

  43、因为热爱,所以坚持。Because of love, so insist.

  44、人生,最正确的还是一路向前。The most correct thing in life is to move forward all the way.

  45、路不铲不平,事不为不成。If you don't shovel the rough road, you can't do anything.

  46、一路向前,成为更好的自己。Move forward and become a better self.

  47、努力多一点,遗憾就会少一点。If you work harder, you will have fewer regrets.

  48、携手前进,一路向前。Hand in hand, all the way forward.

  49、一个人最大的本事是,能忍。One's greatest ability is to endure.

  50、努力的人,总会成功。Those who work hard will always succeed.

  51、心怀初心善良,坚持勤奋向前。Have a good heart and stick to hard work.

  52、把小事做到极致,就是成功。To make small things to the extreme is success.

  53、格局大的人,思想很干净。People with a big pattern have a clean mind.

  54、越是艰难时,越要坚持住。The more difficult it is, the more we must persevere.

  55、不去想结果,全力做好自己。Don't think about the result, try your best to be yourself.

  56、有心者有所累,无心者无所谓。Those who have a heart are tired, and those who have no heart don't matter.

  57、找到,属于你的自律。Find your self-discipline.

  58、适度弹性,将自律持续到底。Moderate flexibility, self-discipline will continue to the end.

  59、生无所息,梦想不弃。Life has no rest, and dreams do not give up.

  60、坚持,才是你成功路上的贵人。Persistence is the noble person on your way to success.

  61、有梦想,有目标,只是开始。Having dreams and goals is just the beginning.

  62、人生坎坷,始终一路向前。Life is rough, always all the way forward.

  63、学会释怀,方能不辜负生活!Learn to let go, in order to live up to life!

  64、带着初心出发,一路向前走去。Start with your original heart and go all the way.

  65、事在人为,尽力无悔。It's man-made. Try your best without regret.

  66、人生变好,从坚持运动开始。To make life better, start with sports.

  67、往后的路,自己慢慢走。The way back, walk slowly by yourself.

  68、坚持,才有好事发生。Good things happen only if you insist.

  69、心无旁骛,一路向前。No distractions, all the way forward.

  70、自律的人生,更自由。A self disciplined life is more free.

  71、越是强大的人,越是能忍。The more powerful a person is, the more tolerant he is.

  72、既然无法躲避,不如勇敢面对。Since you can't avoid it, you'd better face it bravely.

  73、努力就是光,成功就是影。Effort is light, success is shadow.

  74、再苦再难,也要走下去。No matter how hard it is, we must go on.

  75、坚持下去,才能有未来。If you stick to it, you can have a future.

  76、前路再难,也要一路向前。No matter how difficult the road ahead is, we must move forward all the way.

  77、真正有定力的人,往往很安静。People who are really determined are often very quiet.

  78、坚持下去,你就是对的。Hold on, you're right.

  79、一路向前,乘势而上。All the way forward, take advantage of the momentum.

  80、自律的真伪,看结果。The authenticity of self-discipline depends on the results.
