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《 Will you take your kite》说课稿

时间:2024-04-26 17:35:37 说课稿 我要投稿
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《 Will you take your kite》说课稿

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《 Will you take your kite》说课稿

《 Will you take your kite》说课稿1

  Good morning, my dear judges, I am the second competitor. It’s a great honor for me to be here to share my teaching design with you. My presentation consists of the following parts: the analysis of teaching material, the analysis of students, teaching procedures and so on.

  Firstly, I’d like to talk something about the analysis of teaching mateiral. This book is from Module 4, Unit 1 of FLTRP primary English book. The main content of this lesson is the usage of simple future tense: will you take your kite ? And it’s answer: I will... From learning this lesson, Ss will be able to use this sentence structure to communicate with each other fluently in their daily life.

  Secondly, I will analyse my students. Students in grade 4 have just learnt some basic English knowledge, but it’s still quite difficult for them to make full use of the sentence structure in daily life.Besides, Ss in this period are difficult to concentrate themselves on the class. So I will mainly use Communicative Approach and Situational Approach to help them learn better.

  According to New Crriculum Standard, I set three teaching aims. The first one is knowledge aims: Ss can know the right expression of simple future tense “Will you take your kite?”and know some words like kite,spring...etc. The sencond one is ability aim: Ss are able to use simple future tense to describe things and can communicate with each other using this sentence structure in their daily life. The last one is emotional aim: By doing various activities, Ss will be interested in learning English and be confident in speaking English in class.

  Based on the analysis of teaching material, students and the teaching aims, my teaching key and difficult points are as follows. The teaching key point is that Ss can read and write the new words:kite, spring... and sentence structures:will you take your kite? I will... in this lesson. The teaching difficult point is that Ss are able to use simple future tense to communicate with each other in daily life.

  To overcome teaching key and difficult point, I will mainly use Communicative Approach and Situational teaching method.

  Now, let’s move on to the most important part of my teaching design, that is the teaching procedures. It inclouds five parts: warming-up, pre-listenning, while-listenning, post-listenning, summary and homework.


  At the beginning of the class, after the daily greeting, Ss are asked to sing an English song with me together. The song is what we have learnt last class Fly the butterfly. In this way, I will creat a reletively relaxing English learning surrounding and Ss will be intersted in learning English more easily.


  Then, it is pre-listenning part. In this step, I will show students a picture with a flying bird, they are asked to describe the content of this picture using some simple oral English. The reason why I do this is to help Ss be familiar with the topic today and make them learn new lesson more easily in a funny way like this.


  Then, it is the main content in my teaching procedure, while-listenning. Here, it mainly consists of two aspects. Firstly, in extensive listenning, to have a general understanding of the listenning material, students are asked to listen to the whole listenning material very carefully, and complete the part one listen, point and say.(there are some pictures and it’s corresponding words in disorder) And then in intensive listenning, they should write down every sentence they’ve heard and if possible, and then read the dialogue following the tape to imitate the pronounciation and intonation of the speaker, in this way, they can understand the listenning material in detail. After doing extensive and intensive listenning, they will master the main content of the listenning material.


  After they have mastered the whole listenning material, I will divide my students in several groups, they need to make a dialogue using the simple future tense,they can imagine a situation if they want. For exemple: Will you have a picnic on Saturday? Yes, I will. In this way, what we have learnt in this class will be consolidated.

  Step5: Summary&Homework

  At the end of the class, I will guide students to summarize what we have learnt today.( they can summarize it according to the content on the blackboard) And give them today’s homework: they should write a little compositon about their weekend plan.

  Lastly, I want to put forward the analysis of blachboard design, as you can see, my blackboard design inclouds three parts, topic , key words and key sentence structures. It’s very clear and logical, Ss can easily see what we have learnt today.

  Ok,that’s all for my today’s presentation, thanks for your listenning.

《 Will you take your kite》说课稿2



  我授课内容是新规范英语三年级起点四年级下册Module 3 unit 1 Will you take your kite?本单元围绕打算去野餐展开会话和教学活动。本节课是本单元的其中一个重点,主要是让同学学会运用将来时描述自身的计划。在综合操练、益智活动中进一步提高同学听、说、读、写综合素质能力。



  (1)学习、掌握 picnic Satueday Sunday why because so等单词

  (2)能力灵活运用句型:Will you take you ---tomorrow?Yes ,I will. /No ,I won’t.

  I will take ---.





  重点:学习单词:picnic 句型:Will you take you ---tomorrow?Yes ,I will. /No ,I won’t.

  I will take ---.






  通过任务教学,它是现在广泛提倡的英语教学法之一,通过给同学一项确定的任务,在完成任务的过程中充沛调动同学的口、眼、嘴、大脑,全身心的投入到学习中来,使他们感到学习英语的真实性。这种方法符合同学的心理特点,可以激发他们的学习兴趣,使他们将注意力高度集中在所学内容上,从而感知并理解好所学内容;身心体验法;实际应用法,开展以同学为主体的双边教学活动 。让同学通过观察老师的肢体演示明白理解新单词,新句型的含义,初步接触与之相关的语句,在做任务、游戏竞争、自编相关对话中深化内容,拓展应用余地,丰富知识技能。




  1、复习旧课 (4-6分钟)


  2、巧设情景,引入新课 学习新课(15-25分)

  教师非常高兴,因为明天有一个野餐,拿出准备好的包和风筝。引出句型I will take ---.让同学猜明天我将要带什么?( 包里面的物品,有饼干,水果,蛋糕,------猜对了就分给他一些。)教师忽然提出问题:what day is today?得知后很伤心,抱怨自身记性不好。引出sam也犯了个错误,咱们一起看一下。

  3.能力训练 ( 9-12分钟)


  第一轮竞赛环节:分角色读课文,男女生分,同桌 ,同学竞争对峙,通过这个环节即锻炼同学的语言能力更培养了其考虑的意识和与他人合作的意识。

  第二轮竞赛环节为小组扮演,给给同学戴上头饰扮演故事中的人物。可以自身根据实际替换故事中的内容,评出最佳扮演奖,最有创意奖, 并给予奖励。这样给予了同学大量的练习空间,同学们都想获奖,课堂的气氛就会异常的热烈。

  第三轮竞赛环节 要求同学在纸上画一些自身经常在野餐时带的物品,让同桌猜,看谁能难倒同桌,难倒全班同学和老师。





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