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时间:2024-06-08 13:22:29 检讨书 我要投稿
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  Respected team leader:

  With a sense of self remorse and guilt, I submit this review to you to deeply reflect on my mistakes that took place in the evening of September 1st. That night, because his girlfriend over, I named after, ignoring the rules and regulations for the team, without external girlfriend together, behavior is extremely poor, extremely serious influence to the team leader, and a lot of trouble, then, make a sincere apology to you.

  After accepting your criticism, I personally reflect on it. Through careful review of errors, the analysis of errors. I realized that my own mistakes came from:

  1, their own sense of discipline is weak, not high in their own requirements, and is also a manifestation of disobedience to management. All of this fully indicates that I am far from a qualified cadet, and the gap between my own quality and a qualified soldier's quality is still very large, which is caused by my casual work style. This year was my sixth year in the military academy, and it was the first examination of his own school. He is born in the countryside, knowing that his parents are not easy to cultivate themselves, so they have always cherished their hard won learning opportunities.

  Kung Fu people, through their own unremitting efforts, he was admitted to the University of information engineering, and in the four years of undergraduate, outstanding Party members and won awards every year, and the success of cryptography to electric walks graduate students, undergraduate students why have been good, good team leader in the eyes of the backbone, since now will become so good, my reflection, summed up as follows: 1. the faith will not firm. Each team organization learning political theory, the total feeling is empty talk, walk, will not listen to their natural heart, like this, make yourself with the spirit of the Party Central Committee is seriously out of line, short-sighted, only pay attention to personal interests.

  2, too shallow and the significance of the rules and regulations on the understanding of the connotation, the overall feeling is our life in the growth of foot binding of stone.

  3. there is a deviation in the understanding of postgraduate students. It is always felt that the focus of postgraduate students is to learn, and other aspects can reduce the standard. In fact, the above spirit is good. It is believed that to go to graduate school, autonomy is relatively strong, which is intended to create a good learning and research environment for us. However, to our own, the team members do not want to emphasize themselves as undergraduates, so they can laziness. From the beginning of the Laichuang, interior quality decreased, the casual, late for class, step by step to the development of this semester in a week, they have been out of the two things, one day on Wednesday he was correcting two times continuous picket, late night yebuguisu, visible style discipline his face fell to what degree.

  2. a serious lack of responsibility. It is the captain of the District, the old Party member. Especially now just team in place, the work is not immediately to the hospital, the brigade leader of the inspection team to visit our key

  Time. Do not think about how to better solve the existing problems in the team, how to lead the construction of a good six team environment. Ignoring the rules and regulations of the team and staying at home for the night, they broke up the rules and regulations of the team. They also had bad effects on their comrades. Because of my own mistakes, which are likely to follow another comrade, affect the team discipline, want to come now, very ashamed.

  3. the leadership of the team is afraid and distance. If there is anything, we would rather go out in private and dare not ask for leave to the leader. In fact, think about how stupid I was. Out in the outside, living together in the six team, the team leadership is actually regard us as their own children. The strict leadership of the team is for everyone to have a good life and learning environment, so that the university can have a proud family, so that you can better perform your job in the future. Really, whenever there is any difficulty, you are really helping yourself with a group of brothers and team leaders. Think of what you did last night, how selfish and irresponsible. Because of his self righteous yesterday, the injured leader and the attendant did not sleep at 1 in the morning, for me to worry.

  4. there is a lack of collective honor. Most of the time, there is always one person to do with one person, not to be tired of anyone's thoughts. Only after the six teams, the personal honor and disgrace are closely linked with the six teams. This is thanks to the captain, if the leading organs found, will give the team six with much stain, especially now, is the hospital implement month doctrine, to meet the eighteen, and stressed the safety and stability of the occasion, really be unbearable to contemplate the consequences.

  Through this matter, in the deeply grieved at the same time, I also feel lucky, feel the awakening of time, I am determined to learn a lesson, take practical action to correct their mistakes, which in my future life on the road, it is undoubtedly a key turning point.

  So, at the same time, I have made a review to the leadership, and I also express my gratitude to you. Therefore, no matter how the leadership severely punished me, I would not have any opinion. At the same time, I ask the leader to give me another chance, so that I can express my awakening through my actions, and work harder to make positive contributions for my unit's work. Please trust me.

  Once again, in violation of the provisions of District, said ashamed and sorry. And please the other students in my lessons.



  Respected team Cadres:

  Due to personal reasons, there are serious problems in their own queue, which have been recorded by the video and have caused serious consequences. A profound review is made.

  This thing on Monday morning after class to know, in the comprehensive management of information online, a queue order video bulletin, this is what happened: on Thursday April 21st morning during the conversion, because after going back to the Department of intelligent control course, together with Wang Gang, on the road met with our team comrades, but ignored the queue discipline, did not do three of the trip, no queue adjustment, but continue to go their own, no queue consciousness, Friday is my study in the laboratory, lunch time, and brother pass, by the distance to the canteen is close, some of the problems in the way of discussion get up, do not pay attention to their neglect of the queue, queue no talking and laughing the discipline. Cause a bad effect.

  This time I made a lot of mistakes in my mistakes. I reflected on many things. I was very sorry. I also realized the seriousness of my mistakes and felt ashamed of my mistakes. The team started injunctions, has repeatedly stressed the queue order, the discipline of discipline, and remind us not to break the rules, especially some time ago picket problems, but I did not put these words in mind, now picket less, your consciousness is weak, and that no matter what. It is not necessary to realize that there is no profound understanding of the words of the team cadres without a profound understanding. This is the lack of respect for the leadership, not the whole team's honor on the heart, not strict with their own requirements. At the same time, the mistake also rounded the alarm, hoping that you would not make a similar mistake.

  The first is: too bad personal development and lack of military literacy. Although experienced four years of military school life, personal development is not enough. It can be said that a long time of relaxation is that we forget discipline and forget management and fail to realize our personal development.

  Second: your luck, think now no picketing, nobody, nobody can casually see how to go, how to do their own. It won't be noticed. I do not know that many eyes are staring at themselves, but they are not aware of them. It's too late to find out your problem.

  Third: no collective honor on the heart, the mistake of the team in the black, disregard for the team's honor, no consideration of the consequences. The impact is very bad.

  After that, I thought calmly for a long time, and the mistakes I made this time have not only brought trouble to myself, but also delayed my work and study. And this kind of behavior has caused the whole team to have a bad effect and a bad effect among the comrades.

  Every leader wants his students to do a good all-round development, excellent in character and learning, the military image, but also to make our army have a good image. Every friend of war also wants to work and live a good growing environment. But a good working environment is built by everyone's joint efforts. But I made a mistake this time, and destroyed the good environment.

  I sincerely accept criticism, and I have made a serious and principled problem. I know, for the military, not violated military discipline, no violation of discipline, do their own thing is a basic responsibility, but also the most basic obligations. But I didn't even do the most basic. I am deeply regretted now that I have made a big mistake.

  I will examine myself with this violation as a mirror, criticize and educate myself, and consciously accept supervision. Through this event, I should also improve my understanding of the mind and strengthen the measures of responsibility. No matter in the queue or in other ways I will set strict demands on themselves, I will recognize the mistake, it as a turning point in my life, I hope that we can see the profound repentance attitude on the event, I believe that the heart of repentance, I guarantee that similar things won't happen again. For all this I will also further in-depth summary of the profound introspection, urge the leadership to believe that I can learn lessons and correct mistakes, the next thing

  Redouble the effort to do well. At the same time, we sincerely hope that everyone can give supervision and help.

  Now make the following guarantee to correct your own mistakes.

  The first one: strengthen the ideological understanding, efforts to strengthen the rules and regulations of the learning in the thought sounded the alarm, the discipline regulations in the first place, always forget to remind yourself of the responsibility and mission.

  Second: Please supervise the comrades.


  Respected teacher:


  The time was in a hurry, the exam was over, and the test papers were also sent down. Looking at the score on the paper, I was surprised. Because this is far from the level that I should have, I am here to say sorry to you, and I have failed to live up to your eagerly hope for me. In the final English exam my result is not ideal, not only break your heart, let me ashamed. So, today, I am extremely sorry and regret to write this report to you that I do not learn English on this kind of act of apology and killed no longer determination to learn English is not good.

  You just take us back in time, you already gave, repeatedly stressed that the class must Study hard, learn English seriously. Until now, the teacher has to teach words are still ringing in our ears, serious expression still at present, I am deeply shocked, but also by the profound understanding of the importance of the matter, so I told myself to take it as a top priority, a teacher can not live up to us. And so, I'm starting to reflect on myself now.

  As Golgi said, when you see one thing very important, suffering and failure ensued. Just as I did before this test, I was so anxious that I was too nervous to be anxious and sleepless, and my mental state was extremely bad for second days. But in the final analysis, it is due to my lack of knowledge, or I will not be able to test this score if I have a bad spirit. Recalls that at that time, I was because I was too anxious to review! However, it is too late to regret, and it is too late to regret. And those others such as be negligent () did not see, the things I do not want to say, I know that these reasons are untenable, because all of these problems can only be attributed to me is not solid, but also failed to reach a modern middle school students with the level of awareness of the problem. Unable to repay teachers' hard work, I feel more and more clearly that I am a person who is not responsible for himself, his parents or teachers.

  1, tortured the spirit of the teacher, such a torment may let the teacher work distracted, causing more serious consequences.

  2, raising the level of personal synthesis, make their own in the instinct to improve conditions cannot be improved, contrary to the wishes of the parents, is filial.

  This final examination, I did not test well, in this deep review, I hope not to test this score later... Learning English, the most important thing is reading, listening, back, as long as these three can 100%, the English scores, there is no 100 points, and can be 95 points. However, I did not do it, I did not listen, did not write, no back, all done only 1/3, results are not ideal... After the examination, I deeply reviewed the fatal mistakes that were hidden in my mind.

  1, the ideological consciousness is not high, and important matters are seriously insufficient. Even if you know it, you can't actually do it in action.

  2, ordinary life is lazy. If it wasn't for laziness, carelessness, and low memory, how could I learn something from the teacher? How can you not score?

  I didn't study hard at ordinary times, and my exam results rewarded me well. Therefore, I decided to study hard and make progress every day. Here I made a plan.

  First, learn textbook knowledge.

  The most important stage of learning is preview. That is to say, before the teacher takes lessons, he has to learn the text himself. He should try his best to solve problems in preview, write down questions that he doesn't understand, and discuss with teachers and classmates in class. The textbook should be read again and again until the problem is seen thoroughly and clearly.

  Two, pay attention to the accumulation of extracurricular.

  Proper extracurricular reading is necessary. In the tense learning stage, it is impossible for us to read a lot of spare time. Therefore, there is a choice when reading. We should browse a wide range of books and newspapers and magazines, get information from television, radio, and Internet, and take notes in an orderly manner. We should care about social life, understand the social dynamics, and make their own thoughts progress. This will not only enable us to accumulate more knowledge, but also to enrich our lives.


  “Experience is the best teacher,” people say. This mistake gives me very precious experience. I know this is a gift that you give us. So I know I can’t complain about this. Indeed, the most important, and sometimes the hardest, lessons we learn in life come from our participation in situations. For my part, you can't learn everything from a book. And only practice makes you a successful person. To begin with, first-hand experience is important for a child.

  When we were children, we learned the fundamental lessons of life solely from experience. That is to say, parents teach us by experience such as how to walk steadily, how to cope with the adults, and so on and so forth. Secondly, first-hand experience is also important for an adolescent. At school, we do not learn everything from books, in that few books can teach us.

  successfully how to meet new people and make more friends. Finally, as we leave adolescence behind and enter adult life, no book can teach us how to fall in love and get married. But experiencing our own triumphs and disasters is really the only way to learn how to live a successful life. To conclude, knowledge gained both from experience and from books has their respective roles to play in our life. However, in my view, I think the former one is more important than the latter one.

  The most important lessons can't be taught; they have to be experienced. When first time I become a college student, I tell myself must remember that: “it is never too old to learn”. I know I have make a big mistake, but I have to learn much experience from this. Only to reflect on my own so that able to repay the care and thought of my teacher. I also can learn from this mistake: learning is one of the most important things in one’s life, especially for children being educated in schoolsof different levels.

  I know that I should acquire as much knowledge as possible, which can help them know better about outside world and develop myself for my future career. Moreover, the world keeps changing unceasingly. There is always something new for us to learn. Thus, we must be aware that we should stick to learning throughout their lives. Constant learning can make our student become more learned and experienced so that we can suit the changing world better. I want to give you a conclusion with my fault and some awareness about I escape class.

  After that day I have get some information from the internet. Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon for some university students to be late for or even be absent from their classes. And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over. Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the student and the teachers. In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their regularly. I think: First, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in my learning. That is very helpful to me if I want to do a good job in my study.

  Second, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to my teachers, too. My teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in return, will affect their teaching and be no good for both the students. Third, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future. Therefore, we university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regularly from now on. And some day we will benefit it.

  At here, I have to writing to say “thank you”. Thank you for teaching us things we need to learn, thank you for being there for us when we have any troubles, thanks for your devotion and willingness to help us, thank you for the love you’ve shown to us. Teachers are the greatest people in the world, I think. Of course you are very friendly to everyone. You are not only my teacher but also our friends. I am 5lucky to have teacher like you.

  And no matter what kind of person I will become, you will always have your influence on me. You taught me how to study, how to live and the most important is that you teach us how to be a real person. From you, I learned what kind of person I want to be and what I should get from life. This means everything to me. My dear teacher, no matter what you will always have a special place in my heart and I will remember what I have learned from you and carry the knowledge through my life.

  For me, A teacher affects eternity, he can never tell where his influence stops. Dear teacher, thank you for illuminating my voyage of life with your own light of life. I would like to thank you for all the help you gave me during this past semester. My grateful sentiments come from the bottom of heart. You have kindled the light of hope for me. What you have done enriches my mind and broadens my view. On this day I honor you sincerely and send you my everlasting feeling of gratefulness and thankfulness.

  Maybe I am not the love student in your heart, but you are just the right teacher on my mind, and I like you, yes I do! I like the moment you talk to me, your strict looking, your loud sound, you earnest words, maybe the minute my feeling was bad, yet the latter success I got proved that your words were good for me.

  Now, I realize my error. But I don’t to be afraid of my mistakes or failures, for I can learn from failure. I am sorry for being rude the other day. I should not be absent from my classes. And make you disappoint. It was my fault. I am grateful for friends like you who tell me when I make a mistake. I will try to learn from this mistake. However, a person lives without faults will never be found. Of course, I do not mean to use it as an excuse.

  I have never escaped from my responsibility and I just want to obtain your forgiveness. I keep in mind to correct this weakness and try to get a greater progress. In addition, thanks you for all you done! You spent much time to let us grow up, to have sufficient ability enter to society. In a word, if we form a good habit at school, it will be great advantage to us in our future life. So I fully understand my great teacher and your care and thought. I am very grateful for everything you did for us!

  In many ways, it is the most valuable lesson to learn. At last, I feel regret for the things that I have done. I do believe with I will become better and better. And I will try my best to do a contribution to our class. I promise to obey the rules of school. Please accept my sincere apology!


Distinguished teacher of life:

  Hello! about themselves too cheeky behavior at night a few days before, here, I express deep apologies to you. Down, me in a serious reflection on one's own behavior, and believe you should be from the in-depth review of the following aspects:

  1. help students. Because of their immature, consider not comprehensive enough. In order to avoid warning students and dispose of, and make such an unwise move, another classmate for help, make inappropriate moves. Although in the short term, may help students to temporarily avoid the mistake should bear the responsibility and punishment; but in the long run, this is not only not conducive to student recognition and correction of errors in a timely manner, also greatly increased the difficulty teachers for students of management, prevent schools on students ' grasp of the overall situation.

  2. The idea of awareness is not high enough. As a college student should understand the importance of honesty, but knowingly. After the teacher of ideological education, I understand that their behavior is wrong. I should not help students as an excuse for intentionally concealing the actual situation, preventing teacher implementation of good management work. By this matter, I also recognize that teacher's serious and high sense of responsibility.

  Despite the cold winter, the teacher remains regardless of the interests, at 11 o'clock at night-time mission despite the curfew time, the teacher in order to lead us down the right way, we spent a lot of time off to be guided and educational. Let the students correct and I understand their own behavior, and through future performance correction and make up for the errors committed today.

  3. Acknowledges the problems of limited capacity. Student mistakes, not be able to recognize the seriousness of the problem in a timely manner. Small student violates school rules and regulations, to possible security problems of the students. However, as a student's good friend, is not able to contact the student, persuade them to correct errors in a timely manner, but a mistake again. This is not only a limited ability to understand problems of performance, while also considering problems is a lack of comprehensive performance.

  If the problem is a good understanding, can correct and properly deal with the problem. Not to disregard student safety issues, more effects is carried out by teachers of student management work. All in all, lost herself in this matter there in order. Performance: lack of full awareness and capacity to address the problem, from the perspective of intellectual, immature, and understanding is incorrect; see from behavior, performance was too impulsive, does not consider the consequences of things.

  Here, I this error for me again apologize to the teacher from the harmful effects of! sorry, Sir. Finally, the students that absolutely no longer has a similar situation occurs in the future. Urge teachers to be able to forgive us, we must carefully corrected.


  Today, i feel very sorry and ashamed to write down this essay for you to say about my bad behaviour in class. This essay also shows my deep thinking about making such a mistake and my decision that never make such mistakes anymore.

  I still remember that, at the first class, you have stressed and repeated many times that we should be responsible to ourselves, and nobody have to be responsible to us. In fact, i was deeply shocked by what you said and suddenly clearly understand the importance of independence at that time.I really agreed with your idea . All of us are adults now, we are not children anymore, and we can not relay on our parent just as when we were little. we must learn how to solve problems by ourselves. But it is a difficult process to make theory into pratice. In China education, it does not stress that us we should be responsible to ourselves, and our parents also do everything they think they can do for us. This is the education situation of China. So as time went by, we just get used to relying on others and do not try to do things by ourselves even we can do it easily. Over the past 19 years, i get used to doing things what parents and teachers told us to do. But now, you insist that we have to be independent. Suddenly,i can not depend on anyone. As a result, i feel very difficult to do everything and try every way to get help from others and we also feel Nora is a very strict teacher and really afraid of you, tough all of us know that we can learn many things from Nora. But we can not adore you at once,because what you teach is so different from our culture. That means we need time to get used .

  I write this essay because i did not read the material out chop chop.Nora told us that we should read the number first, then read the word ,definition and the sentence we write. But when in my turn, which word is no number,i do not know how to express where the word is . While i asked my deskmate what should i do , Nora just told me that i need to write a essay. In fact, at first, i feel very unfair because i just do not know how to express where the word is. If this condition was put forward in Chinese class, we can just put forward our problems and then the teachers would help us to solve it. But now, no explain, no excuse, just write an essay as punishment. I suffered from injustice and really want to cry at that time. Then i remembered that Nora have said that some of us may shed many tears, and may want to give up. For a second, i was tempted to give up. But i thought that Nora and our class are all in the same boat, and she could not attempted to embarrass us. Then, later, i remember that Nora have said that "that is life". In class, you have explained that is life means that if you can not change the situation,then you just do it. In fact,there are many things that we can not change in our life. Maybe when we work, our top banana also just punish us if we can not accord with what he/she meant without explain and excuse. At this case, the only solution is change ourselves to adjust the situation. As a matter of fact, 1000 words essay is a long essay for me. But after having a deep thinking, i understand that Nora just use this way to teach us the principle "that is life". At the same time, we also can pratice our writing skills. So, i really enjoy writing this essay,because in order to write something that i have to think deeply. As a result, i understand many things and feel ashamed for i misunderstand Nora. Sorry !Nora.

  I also have a deep impression in you said that we will be busy-bees because Our class will begin earlier and end later than normal. I have to admit that after enter college i have became a little lazy because in college there is no teacher to supervise my learning and we have a lot of free time. I can not control myself very well so that i spend little time on studying. In a way, i have to say that i am a loafer. I am realizing my error and in order to correct it i make a plan roughly. Firstly i need to get used to the way Nora teach us and be a busy-bee in class. Secondly i will make my own study schedule according to my school timetable and will do it with the supervision of my roommates. And last, i will find a studymate to study with me that i can not be lazy when i am study. Although it may difficult to make plan into pratice , i believe that i can get rid of this bad habbit with the supervision of my classmates.

  Nora, now, i realize my error. I did not read the material out chop chop, and it is a bad behaviour that wastes the time of not only you but also my classmates. I have no right to do that. However, a person lives without faults will never be found. Of course, i do not mean to use it as an excuse, and i just want to obtain your forgiveness. I keep in mind to correct this weakness and try to get a greater progress. In addition, i hope Nora can continue supervise us that we can make greater progress. And most of important, i really appreciate you. You teach us to use a different light to see ourselves and open our eyes to the culture of America. Nora,Thank you! Thank you in my heart deeply!








Respected :

  So because like skipping lie to a teacher, teacher and school leaders hope you can forgive me, then I don't make such mistakes, in the future, I will dutifully do a follow school rules students.



  Review person:


Dear leaders of the school,


  I am a class * student ***. There are some unpleasant things in the dorm room between lunch and students today. Moving and going back and forth through the teacher's teaching, I am deeply aware that the patient, the degree of truth, whatever it is to endure! As the saying goes, a step back to the sky, but I did not do today, after the incident, I feel very sorry! Here, I make an in-depth review!

  Is what, today, I buy rice from the canteen, dormitory, and then when you eat me in a dormitory, and strive for the student, he ran quickly, and I play, play my meals out, then turned around and scolded, "you are not my eyes?" I was on fire, he knocked on me, and he called me out of my lungs, and I went to my dorm room to call more than one of my friends and hit him. Finally, he was dissatisfied. They couldn't find anyone. Then he brought eight people, and we only had three, and I got three quarters out of the knife, ready to frighten him, but not to take a deep breath and cut up two people. That leads to today's results. I am sorry, I cut up, you two students apologize! At the same time, you come to my medical expenses, so that you are at ease in the hospital health!

  I knew that it had reached the place where it could not be made up. I decided to go to the hospital to see the two students, and the school promised that it would not be so reckless in the future, if the school did not. What teacher reports the first time, not the private. I hope the teacher can give me leniency.

  Sorry, teacher, student, I apologize for my impulsive behavior here. Take time (omit 100 words, write your actual situation)... ... Then, I couldn't restrain my impulse. Instead, I beat each other. Later, I was sorry. First of all, I'm sorry that my parents, I have failed to live up to their upbringing, and have been beating themselves up, and this will bring a lot of trouble to their parents. Similarly, I'm sorry teachers, teachers should teach us how to be a person, but I got to listen to the teacher, not to listen, this is the teacher's education. Again, I'm sorry that the student who was hit, the violence is likely to be hurt and it affects his future prospects. Finally, I'm sorry, this is my self-indulgence, a lack of self-restraint.

  Since school, the school has repeatedly stressed the importance of learning discipline, discipline is necessary for learning, I don't own the good discipline, and even fight seriously damaged in the school discipline. Combat is a superficial phenomenon, into the heart of the reason, is the lack of rational thinking, problem solving, seeking temporary topic, violence as a means to solve the problem, not much said, the idea is not conducive to personal growth and development, said, this thought hindered the construction of a harmonious society, I am here to teachers, students and school leaders, to ensure that, ponder and reflect their inner errors, I hope the teacher and classmates turned over, give me a chance, I promise, if we meet, I want to think twice before you do, no longer do not reckless behavior responsibility consciousness.

  Student: * * *

  **** ** day.



  I know, as a financial staff enough to carefully and seriously, treat the job must be strict in one's demands, I deeply realized his mistake, because of my own mistakes, to direct the company brought huge loss. I know, I now that all night, but I was with a sincere heart to apologize to you, hope to get your understanding and forgiveness.

  I know your mistake because of my careless and not careful enough results, through this thing, really made me realize her lack of work, there are still many areas in need of improvement, in this matter, I did not feel much wronged, because is because of my mistakes in the work very company to bring the huge economic loss, I am a person caused by hand. In fact true leadership, I did not think of this kind of work will bring huge economic loss.

  I wanted to make up for their mistakes in various ways, and make up your own company to bring huge loss. I know, no matter how many reasons, how many excuses, that is their own thoughts, the earth would not bring back brought huge loss to the company, due to their loss to the company will bring huge economic benefit is that I can't make up for, but it is all because of me, I am willing to bear the corresponding punishment, I am willing to bear the responsibility, hope can give me this opportunity, let me make up my mistake, my mistake.

  Through this incident, let me understand the true, as a financial personnel the importance, may be an obscure figure, will bring huge economic interests, I had not thought of. But the LED please give me a chance, in the future work, certainly not in the event of tired, I will be strict quality to their own requirements, please lead to check. I will try to make myself, for the company to contribute their meager strength.


  Dear teacher:

  Hello! I'm your student, Meng Shuai. Today, I wrote this review book with guilt and regret to show you my deep understanding of the bad behavior of being late and the determination to be late again.

  As early as I stepped into the school, the teacher repeatedly repeatedly stressed that all the students should not be late, but I was late. I think it's necessary to say something about the lateness of the matter......

  It started two months ago. At the beginning of March, I came to know a girl, she is very special. After some time together, we are together. She quickly entrance exam, so every day to study very late, I love her, so I want to stay with her... So I sleep late every day during this time. Plus every day I have to go to the sun training, the amount of exercise is large, so every day is really tired. For a long time, the body is a bit too much, so today I chose to be late. I knew it was wrong to be late, but I did it. Therefore, I think it is necessary, but also should make this written review to the teacher, let me deeply reflect on my mistakes. I'm sorry, sir, but what I have committed is a serious, principled question. I know that the teacher was very angry with me for being late without reason. I also know that it is the most basic responsibility and the most basic obligation for students to ensure that every class is on time, and that they are not late and not absent from class. But as a squad leader, I didn't even do the most basic thing. Now, I thought calmly, and I gradually realized that I was going to pay for the mistakes I made.


  Ad 20xx years x months X days, I can not according to the provisions of the time (morning before 9:15) arrived at the company, throw everything except the so-called objective reasons such as live too far, physical discomfort, bus time is not good grasp, I personally think that this is a serious trend of bourgeois liberalization subjective long in my mind in the form of extreme flood results, the most direct manifestation of unhealthy thoughts this flood is free lax, personal difficulties over the organization principle, set the company's employees collective interests, the company leadership authority in disregard of the dignity of our company; the purpose of corporate culture in spite of egoistic;, self indulgent and discard principle, for my personal reckless with greed...... committed serious mistakes this feel feel very sorry, with deep hatred and resentment, feel very Shame, regret and grief are incapable of further increase.

  At this moment, with tears in my eyes and with great regret, I thought silently: "my personal mistake is not so much a mistake as a crime.". Yes, I'm guilty. If every employee in the company is as late as I am a few hours, all the staff will be late for dozens of hours and we will stop working all day. If we do this every day, we'll stop doing a year's work. If we do it every year. And the company also will disappear from the earth, this is how serious and terrible consequences! Because I personally so late a few minutes, it may lead to all employees lose their jobs, it may lead to a good promising company collapses, thought of here, my heart in the blood, also more serious crimes committed by their own feel too late to regret.

  My dear, dear leaders, I am now from the heart deeply aware that my mistake is huge, the consequences are serious, the lesson is profound, the price is heavy! In order to enforce the law, to make an example of the majority of employees from the company not to go my way to commit such I like crime, I sincerely ask the company to consider disciplinary for severe punishment and penalty in home detention 15 days and retreat to give a verbal warning! So it can truly fair law enforcement, at the same time, can also achieve the lofty goal to save lives. In the end, I sincerely hope that all the staff of the company will take me as the negative material and take me as a black mirror

  Compare yourself with yourself and check yourself. If so, I think in the future a similar tragedy will not be staged, if so, I have good company!


  Due to the lack of discipline in my discipline this afternoon, I missed the English class in section 5, section 5. When I got angry with the teacher, I thought deeply about it and realized how badly I had made a mistake.

  Although I got only two English classes, but it is the two English classes absent, I not only violates the school discipline, hurt the heart of the English teacher, and also angered the XX teacher (called you write written self criticism), and make you angry, the worst is that I destroyed the class collective honor and discipline, to the class with black, among the teacher and the students had a very bad effect.

  I was a college youth, should be in the age of the teacher don't have to worry about tired, but now because of my lazy and lax, kuang's English class this afternoon, I felt very ashamed. English teacher worked diligently for our class, but I was absent due to personal lazy, lazy in the dormitory, made the teacher angry, I realized I made serious mistakes, now I solemnly to you with English teacher review, hope you can forgive me. I am very ashamed and sorry for my absenteeism, I admit my mistake.

  Teacher, I hereby assure you that from today on, I will take a serious class, no longer play truant, and no longer violate the discipline of the school and the class, strictly observe the school rules, and start over again. Teacher, I deeply realized that I made a mistake, today's things I'll never forget also dare not to forget, teacher, I'm sorry, I will strictly abide by the class discipline and behave well, strive for correct mistakes, and change the impression of my my teachers and classmates. If there is a recidivism, please punish the teacher again, ask the teacher to give me a chance to correct, I will definitely change the loose discipline. Please look at my performance!

  Review: XXX

  20xx (xx) xx day.








  Good good study, abide by the rules and disciplines is each of us students should

  do, is also the fine traditions of the Chinese nation virtue, but we as contemporary students but no better put it continue down. Like many Chinese young people all don't know how the double ninth festival, but solemn been to Christmas. We are all in ignorance lost discipline, do not understand their own learning objective...

  Take the loving water gravity, an information class, noisy boiling, the teacher you several times sorrowful, CiChou difficult to disappear in the heart, for our ignorance, especially to your review.

  First of all, I as XueWei no organized students quiet in class, cause the classmates speak seriously. But the most direct reason is that our own binding sent, the classroom content is finished, feel nothing to do; Indirect reason is that we want to do something outside of their things, unavoidable mutual exchanges, voice unscrupulously, slowly information lesson is boiling. Of course, this can't be ZiXiKe don't abide by the rules of the reason. Lu xun said... Goethe said... We only have the earnest resonsideration, looking for error behind the deep roots, to recognize the essence of the problem, can give the collective and own a hand over to treat, thus to progress.

  The top self-study speech against the class gauge, influence the normal ope

  ration of the work, this is not loyal, a sin. And have failed to live up to the great parents to I sincerely hope that, what a waste of time to study at school, but unfilial, two sin. More let teacher you for this effort, sad disappointed, this is heartless, three sin... In writing this review, I feel their own ignorance, very regret.

  Finally, the trouble the teacher time consuming to review we write self-criticism, I now thoroughly understand the teacher education of our well-meaning... ZiXiKe don't abide by the rules, is not a

  negligible things! As long as we both have very good constraint ability, independent learning ability, in the ZiXiKe there would be no excuses, no reason for speech exculpate! We have only conscientious thinking life have so much to do, so many burdens to carry, there is no reason in normal ZiXiKe class the don't abide by the rules.

  In order to thank the teacher's chun chun teachings, I hereby guarantee if there is an important

  opportunity to put in my in front, I do I can management students, never let the teacher disappointed. Please teacher understanding me this one mistake!


Respect teachers:

  Hello! This is really not to be late for class, I have a profound understanding of their mistakes, they want a lot of things, reflect on a lot of things, he is very remorseful, very angry with himself, as a student of the time are not even the basic probability, but also a profound understanding of self made serious wrong, for her mistake is a shame. A school, students should follow the class time is a constant regulation, and I have not attracted attention, did not pay attention to the school so ordinary regulations, these are not.

  Being late for class is also a disrespect to the teacher. Afterwards, I would like to calm for a long time, I made the mistake of not only brought trouble to oneself, also to give students a bad influence, if everyone like this I will be late for class order of that class is disturbed, the teacher can not be normal teaching, the other students are not normal class. What's more, my behavior has caused bad effects on schools and destroyed the school management system. It also has a bad influence among the students.

  Because of my own mistakes, it may cause other students to follow, the impact of class discipline, grade discipline, the discipline of the school is also a kind of destruction, but also have great expectations of their teachers and parents is also a kind of injury, but also to other students and parents of an irresponsible. Each school will want their students to achieve all-round development, excellent in character and learning, establish a good image, but also to make our schools have a good image. Each student also hoped that the school will give itself a good study environment to study, the life.

  I also hope that I can have a good learning environment, but a good learning environment that we have to rely on common maintenance to set up, I should pay for their own mistakes, I sincerely accept criticism, and is willing to accept the school to give the.

  I'm sorry, sir, I'm having a serious problem with the concept of time. I know, the teacher is very angry with my school regulations. I also know that for students, it is the most basic responsibility and the most basic duty to attend classes on time. But I didn't even do the most basic thing. I will take this disciplinary incident as a mirror, always check myself, criticize and educate myself, and accept supervision consciously. I want to know shame and alert, to know shame and forge ahead, and strive to learn it. I also want to improve my sense of time and strengthen my responsibility measures through this event.

  I believe that the teachers see this attitude can also know that I have a very strong attitude of repentance for the incident, I believe my heart to repent, my behavior is not to challenge the teacher's discipline is my fall, I hope you can forgive my mistake. For all this I will also further in-depth summary of deep introspection and ask the teacher to believe that I can learn lessons and correct mistakes, the next thing to redouble their efforts to do a good job. I also sincerely hope that the teacher will continue to care for and support me, and will take care of my problems as appropriate.



  Dear Amanda:

  First, please accept my deep regret for the absent from the English class yesterday. I have recognized my fault for this absent and swear to attend all the English class in the rest of semester.

  If the regret has been accepted, please allow me a chance to explain the reason why I was absent. Last weekend a terrible fact came to me that my love told me not to contact with each other any longer. The one who used to be my boyfriend and we had been in love for approximate one year since graduated from high school. He was the person who I once wished to keep company with for my rest live. The time when l heard the words squeezed from his mouth, the backbone that support my faith for life crashed down and was destroyed immediately. At once, the meaning of love seemed to fade away, all the beautiful memories we used to enjoy came to me and hovered in my mind. Beyond all my exception, I did not say any word to beg his love. And with a slight goodbye I hang up the phone, but then tears filled my eyes out of control. At that time, I was like a kite who broke away from her string and was doomed to sway in the sky then die in the wind. Without the accompaniment of my best friend, I could have not image what stupid things would I do in the next few days. Everything seems to go better in the following days, but I have got a bad cold owing to my over-sadness. Now, I have a fever of 38℃ and need to have some medicines every day.

  This fact has tormented me for 5 days, and now I decide to escape from this nightmare as quickly as I can. I know, maybe this story won’t impress you so much, my dear teacher, to forgive my absent. But I ensure that there won’t be such things again. At last, I want to share some of my own English learning experiences with you and look forward to your advisements.

  Firstly, my main idea of learning English is that in this world there is no shortcut to English learning. For English is a language which needs us to pick up with constant practicing and use it as possible as we can. Secondly, English learning needs us to attach much interest into it. Hence, my out-of-class time is usually spent on watching American dramas or listening to English songs. Gossip Girl and Lady Gaga are my favourite. At last, English learning needs us to broaden our horizon. One thing I always keep in my mind is that things we learn from textbooks are only the tip of the iceberg especially considering English learning. Cite a sentence of Steve jobs, stay hungry and stay foolish. I think we should always stay hungry for knowledge and be modest enough to our life.
















